Ambassador edition New 3DS!

Today was an average working day, average in the way that nothing special happened, I was just peacefully checking my mailbox and making a nice new excel spreadsheet. By the way, I think average is good, it also means nothing bad is happening! And all of a sudden this turned into a special day, because I found out that I am a loyal fan of Nintendo! I got an email from Satoru Shibata himself telling me I’ve been selected as a loyal fan. Or do you think that he didn’t write it especially for me?

Today a group of loyal fans will get an email like mine, offering me to buy the new 3DS in the limited Ambassador edition ahead of the release of the device here in Europe! According to Nintendo, the consoles are ready to ship within 3-5 days.

new 3ds, europe, release, ambassador, special editionThis special bundle includes:

  • New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Edition Bundle system in White
  • An exclusive Ambassador Edition Cover Plate (Back)
  • An exclusive Ambassador Edition Cover Plate (Front)
  • New Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Edition Bundle stylus
  • 4 GB microSDHC memory card
  • A set of AR Cards
  • A Quick-Start Guide
  • An Operations Manual
  • A set of front and back Super Smash Bros. cover plates
  • A charging cradle for the console in White

I must say it looks very good for the price of € 199 in total, the special edition is a big bonus of course. But sadly I’m going to have to say no to Satoru. And you know why? Because he didn’t think of my reading glasses; there’s no way I’ll be going back to the tiny screens of the 3DS when I’m used to the XL!


  1. Once again I like how Nintendo handles things like this, caring about their loyal fans.

    I got my original 3DS next to my XL just a few days ago and I was surprised once again how big the difference really is side to side.
    The customization is a really neat feature, but I will just wait for the New 3DS XL to come out in Europe.

    1. Somehow I feel a bit ungrateful at being offered this limited edition, but if you are 50+ you’ll know how important the big screens of the XL are. So I’ll just wait for that!

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