Game: Chippy’s Escape from Seaberry Keep
Genre: Children’s, Puzzle, Adventure
System: Steam (Windows)
Developer|Publisher: Cozy Strawberry
Controller Support: None
Price: UK £4.49 | EU € 4,99 | USD $4.99
Release Date: April 14th, 2023
Review code used, with many thanks to Cozy Strawberry.
Some Ladies Gamers fans may remember my review of Seaberry Keep back in November 2022; if you liked that review, here’s another in the same series: a children’s game called Chippy’s Escape from Seaberry Keep. If you played the previous game, you would most likely remember that Strawberry lost her friend Chippy down a hole. This is the story of Chippy’s escape.

The Feel of Chippy’s Escape from Seaberry Keep
Chippy’s Escape is an adventure game that explores the weird and wonderful world of Seaberry Keep. This place has cute puzzles, strange but friendly characters, and mazes to find your way around. The puzzles are simple and designed for children, and the story is easy to follow. I am fairly certain that all my nibblings would love this game (I have six nieces and one nephew, ranging from ages 1 to 10).

Chippy’s Escape might be simple and designed for kids, but you can tell when playing it that a lot of effort went into this game. Just like the previous one, there is a lot of detail in the world. There are many characters, loads of voice acting, singing, and fun backgrounds. Even the youngest of the kids will love this, though they will probably need a parent’s help to read everything.

The Story of Chippy’s Escape
Chippy’s escape follows Strawberry’s friend, Chippy, who has been lost down a hole. He is a baby turtle, so Strawberry worries about his ability to get home alone. This game takes place during the same time as Seaberry Keep.
Our main character must overcome puzzles and make friends to escape the hole he fell into. Players will need to help him along by solving little kid-friendly puzzles, decorating rooms, chatting with NPCs, and even singing!

While this story is tied closely to Seaberry Keep‘s story, you don’t have to play the first one to understand what is happening in the second. Though I recommend it, they are both beautiful, rich, and fun kids’ games that you can play with your family.

Quality Over Quantity
Chippy’s Escape is a very short little game, but it is so smooth and well done. The sound design is stellar, the colouring-book look is kept up through the whole game, the characters are all unique and fun, and the puzzles are different from those in the original Seaberry Keep. There are even more rooms where players can decorate and even more environments to explore.

It is even more polished than the original, and it is shorter. Not by much, but noticeably shorter. That being said, there is still a ton of stuff to do; lots to read, NPCs to chat with, and rooms to decorate. I just want to spend all day here; I mean, look how cute everything is!

Better in Some Ways, Worse in Others
Chippy’s Escape from Seaberry Keep is much better in many ways than the original; it’s smoother, cleaner, and has more puzzles. However, I feel like there were a couple of things the original did better. Seaberry Keep made it a little more obvious when there was stuff in a room that players could decorate with. But Chippy’s Escape has a lot more unique items to decorate with.
The puzzles in Chippy’s Escape were a tiny bit more challenging but still kid appropriate, with one exception. The first puzzle, where Chippy has to escape from the witch’s house, is a very difficult puzzle, and I think a lot of kids would have trouble with it. That’s a pretty big downer for the game; the first puzzle players come across might just be too hard for the kids it is tailored to. Perhaps I’m just underestimating kids, though.

Chippy’s Escape, just like the original Seaberry Keep, is SO CUTE. I can’t get enough of these games. I love the Seaberry location, the characters, the style, the puzzles, the everything! I could recommend both Chippy’s Escape and Seaberry Keep to anyone with little kids that wants to play games with their kids.

Final Verdict: Two Thumbs Up: