Game: Ever Seen A Cat? 2
Genre: Point & Click, Hidden Object
System: Steam (Windows)
Developer | Publisher: EverCats
Controller Support: None
Price: US $1.99 | UK £1.69 | EU € 1,59
Release Date: May 30th, 2022
Review code provided with many thanks to EverCats.
Ever Seen A Cat? 2 is a point and click, cat finding game with cute graphics and even cuter kittens. Each level has a whole bunch of cats around, and players have to pick them out of the background in order to win.
The Gameplay of Ever Seen A Cat? 2
This little game is a very simple point and click game that’s suitable for almost any age. The controls are fairly simple; you can control the entire game with only the mouse. Players can even make the game more challenging by removing the cat counter and hints button.

The options in this game are fairly sparse, as the simple game doesn’t need them. However, it gives more options than I expected for such a tiny game. There is a lot of polish here; players can adjust everything from the audio to the screen size to the zoom and drag speeds to make the game as comfortable as possible.

On top of this, there are loads of levels, and each level can be played more than once, as the cats’ locations are moved around for the second round.
Games for Everyone
Another thing I love about this game other than the options is the ease of play for just about everyone. The colors of each of the levels are as different as can be, making them easier to pick out for those with full or partial color-blindness. This game can also be enjoyed without sound (although I do recommend the sound if possible, because it’s wonderful), and doesn’t even require players to be able to read to enjoy it.

I love games that work to include as many players as possible; video games are pretty inherently ableist, as they assume that players have two working hands, eyes, and ears. However, this game is one of the few that is wonderfully inclusive.
Oh No; It’s Too Cute!
Did I mention that Ever Seen A Cat? 2 is filled to the brim with adorable cats, too? Just look at their little faces:

There is something deeply endearing about the way all the backgrounds are drawn, and the way the cats are rendered.

This cat game is cheap, simple, fun, and accessible. I don’t know how to love this game enough. My major complaint about Ever Seen A Cat? 2 is that it’s too short, but it could have been thousands of levels long and I still would have wanted more. And if that’s the only complaint about a game, I think it deserves two thumbs up!
Final Verdict: Two Thumbs Up:
Thanks you make it sound so fun. I bought it right away thanks to your review. Thanks for curating games for those of use who like rainbows and unicorns.
Thanks for reading Paris! And I think there are many of us who like rainbows and unicorns!