Title of Farm Land on a wooden board surrounded by a milk bottle, pumpkin, tomato, maize and eggplant. There are three anthropomorphic characters, one on a bike, one with a watering can and the other holding a scythe, with a barn and some sheep in the background.

Farm Land Review

Game: Farm Land
Genre: Adventure, Lifestyle, Simulation, Local Co-op
System: Nintendo Switch (Also on Mobile (Android, iOS))
Developer | Publisher: Homa | QubicGames
Age Rating: US Everyone | EU 3+
Price: US $4.99 | UK £4.49 | EU € 4,99
Release Date: September 22nd, 2023

No review code was used; I purchased the game myself.

Starting life as a mobile game, Farm Land has now arrived on the Nintendo Switch. It’s a fast-paced, easy-to-play farming game. The aim is to plough your profits into buying more land, but will I be sowing seeds of joy, or will I get sick-le of it?

Humble Beginning on Farm Land

2 by 2 green square of farm land, with a small hatched area in one of the squares and paths across the other three. A purple anthropomorphic character stands in the middle with a red arrow in front of them.
In the beginning…

You start the game with a small plot of land, with a red arrow pointing you to go towards the white square at the top. The white square containing the number 7 and a gold coin indicates that it will cost seven gold coins to open up this square of land. This is fortunate, as you are given seven gold coins to get started! As you stand next to the white square, both your money pot and the purchase cost decrease as you automatically buy the plot. No need to press a button to confirm purchase in Farm Land.

An orange anthropomorphic character standing next to a fruit and veg stall. Small pictures of a maize cob, a tomato and an apple, (with 3, 4 and 20 coins respectively) underneath the words “Sell Me”.
What will you buy from me?

With the first plot purchased, it reveals a fruit & vegetable stallholder who will buy 3 different types of crops. Also revealed is the price of the next plot of land, 20 gold coins. However, with no money, you are guided to the ploughed field to start farming. With a single press of a button, you start sowing sweet corn. You don’t select which seed to plant; it’s all automatic! Once the field is covered, press again, and you start watering and then again to harvest. In a matter of seconds, you have 30+ sweet corn, which you can sell – just walk up to the stall holder and the crops are exchanged for coins.

The purple farmer, shaking an apple tree, with apples falling to the ground.
Those apples will be bruised!

With money in the pot, you can easily buy the next couple of Farm Land fields, one of which is an apple tree. It’s a little mini-game of shaking the tree to harvest the fruit, and although fruit sells for more than the crops, you have to wait for it to grow. There are also mini-games for fishing, milking cows and shearing sheep.

Automation on your Farm Land

The purple farmer standing in front of a barn, with 'no worker' against pictures of sweet corn, tomato and sunflower.
Can I afford to hire some help?

As you expand your land, you are encouraged to open up a specific square, which contains a barn. The barns allow you to hire workers to manage a certain crop. The first worker costs 60 gold coin to hire and will manage the sweet corn plot. When you hire a worker, a blue anthropomorphic character runs out of the barn and heads to their field. They will then sow, water and harvest, returning to the barn to store the crops. They are not the most efficient of farm hands and will need to make several passes around the field for sowing and watering before making multiple journeys to the barn to store the crops.

Initially, the barn will only contain 100 of each crop, and once full, the workers will down tools until you empty it. But luckily, for a price, both the workers and the barns can be levelled up to improve efficiency and capacity.

The purple farmer on a bike, in front of a lilac character in a straw hat, with lots of apples bouncing to the floor.
Collection point!

In each of the 4 worlds, you will find additional help. There’s a character who will purchase all your crops and one who will empty all your barns. Eventually, you will unlock someone who will harvest all your fruit trees and one who will tend to your animals. However, they do cost gems to use, but gems can be collected from the unicorns which appear! There are also piggy banks which roam around the land, and these will boost your funds. And to make playing Farm Land even easier, your character can ride around on a bike!

Farm Land The purple farmer collecting a gold watering can.
Super me!

Best of all, whilst tending to your fields, you might come across a gold watering can or gold scythe. These will give you superpowers for 5 or 10 real-time minutes. Whilst in the super mode, your sowing, watering and harvesting will reach further, so there is less effort in order to farm. Anytime you tend your fields, you might find a gold four-leaf clover, gold horseshoe or gold horn of plenty, all of which give you coins.

Share your Farm Land

Split vertical screen with one purple farmer riding round on a bike, the other watering a field of wheat.
Split screen for local co-op.

Farm Land can also be played with a friend in local co-op mode; just grab another controller and select the multiplayer option on the title screen. The main player will control the map and fast travel, but each player will be able to tend the fields and animals, as well as sell the produce.

Select your Farm Land Farmer

Farm land Farmer in a chicken costume in the player character menu.
Who shall I be today?

If purple isn’t your favourite colour, then for 50 gems, you can unlock one of the 53 costumes – from Adam/Eve (with appropriately placed fig leaves) to Santa, from a stormtrooper to a cow, and so much more. The costumes are funny, but I preferred one of the solid colours as they change to yellow when in ‘super’ mode.


The controls are straightforward, and there are pictorial reminders if needed. It’s just a single press to engage the tool to plant seeds, water or harvest – no holding or mashing a button.

The game plays smoothly in both docked and handheld modes, and there is great use of the touchscreen functionality.

The game autosaves, and I exited the game many times without any loss of progress.
Farm Land runs in real-time, but there is no night/day cycle.


Farm Land is a fast-paced farming sim with a focus on making money to expand. It’s repetitive: sow, water, harvest, expand; however, it’s strangely addictive. It’s a great game to play on the go, and its bright colours make it a cheerful experience.

Final Verdict: I Like it a Lot I like it a lot

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