Ah, there you are, glad you could make it again! I’ve been looking forward to our weekly chat, my friend. What can I get you? A nice Latte, a tiny espresso or a mint tea? You know I never understood that mint tea culture, those glasses with the bushes in it. Though I must admit that it tastes good with honey, just seems so strange to plunk stuff in my glass that I continuously pull out in my garden where it grows like weed!
As for gaming, I was really feeling the exitement on Monday, because some Nintendo big wig had said there’d be important news. Speculation on the fan forums was rampant, but I doubt anyone had thought that the big news was going to be about Minecraft coming to the WiiU. Don’t misunderstand, I think it is good news. I enjoyed playing Minecraft on my Vita very much, and I felt it long overdue that there would finally be a Nintendo version. But maybe this is a matter of too little too late?
When you’re an animal crossing fan and a Amiibo collector, there’s good news: four more Amiibo will arrive in Europe on January 29th: Blathers, his sister Celeste, Kick and our dear friend Resetti! Will you add them to your collection?
My working week has just finished, and I’ve seen enough of suits and ties to last me this weekend. So I don’t know who thought it s good idea to clothe Pikachu in the boring grey cloth, but that’s how he is depicted on the new official Tumblr page for Pokemon. Alright, I admit, it does make me smile!
The sequel to Bravely Second, End Layer will be coming to Europe on Febraury 26th. The first one was an awesome RPG, so you’ll know what to look forward too. I do remember the first one was released in Europe first too, with the American release much later. I wonder why? The game will come in standard and limited “Deluxe Collector’s Edition” packages. The Deluxe includes a figure, CD soundtrack and artbook.
Well, I’d better get going, got some Christmas shopping to do. Funnily enough, there are only two games to give this year, one to my daughter and one to her friend. There has been a time that I was exited for the holidays, in hopes I’d get a new game. But with downloading them yourself, that seems to have changed. The downside of downloading I think..I still remember the last game I got, years back: Golden Sun Dark Dawn for the DS!
What about you, did you ask for a game from Santa? Anyway see you here again, next week!
I am not too fussed about Minecraft cos by now anyone interested in that title has already played it. Bravely Default 2 coming out in early 2016 does however have me excited.