Glow Eindhoven 2015

For the tenth time this year the city of Eindhoven, my hometown, organized Glow. For those of you who are not familiar with it: for 10 days in November there are several light-art constructions made by artists from all over the world. The city is transformed during those days into one giant exhibition of light. Kind of fitting, because Eindhoven is the Dutch capital of design and technology. So every year hundreds of thousands of visitors walk the route through the downtown area. Each year a theme is chosen to tie the exhibitions together. The experience is free, last year some 650.000 people visited Glow.


We walked part of the route last night. The weather cooperated, it wasn’t too cold and it was dry, so what better way to spend the evening to walk and chat with your companions while watching the exhibits!


I decided you might want to see some of the beautiful pictures too. Some are from 2014, some from this year. Enjoy!

Glow2014, Eindhoven,

This was one of the most beautiful of last year, an entire story being played out projected on this villa. Glow2014, Eindhoven, catharina kerk

This one was last years too, a beautiful show of light on the Catharina Kerk. Glow Eindhoven, 2015

Hard to shoot this moving show, but you get the idea, right?


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