Handheld Gaming News week 10

Hello my friends, come on in! Always a good moment to sit down and take a moment to relax. Take a cup of coffee, and let’s dive right in to this weeks Handheld Gaming News.

Once again no Animal Crossing Switch news

It was a surprising week in Handheld Gaming News, with the sudden Nintendo Direct airing Thursday March 8. I can’t help always looking forward to these messages from Nintendo, though honesty compels me to add that I’ve come away disappointed more then once. My own fault of course, as I always hope against hope that we will get the Animal Crossing Switch announcement. I hoped for it on the WiiU back then, and I have hoped for it on the Switch too.

And every time I come away empty handed. This weeks’ Nintendo Direct was no different, for a moment I was ready to see the AC logo at the very end of the broadcast. Right when the presenter said: “wait, there’s one more thing we want to show you…” I thought: this is it….but no. Another Super Smash Bros. Sure, it will make the fans happy, but come on! They even had a version of it on the WiiU, a privilege us Animal Crossing fans never had.

I don’t understand Nintendo’s reasoning either, as I’m pretty sure that there’s a whole demographic of women gamers who are waiting for the excuse of having the latest AC to buy themselves a Switch!

Okami HD will come to Switch

Enough of my complaining now. Let’s focus on the good news: remember how I wished that Okami HD wouldn’t be confined to the PS4 and XBox? Well, at least that wish came true. Okami HD will be released on the Switch somewhere this Summer, though only as a downloadable game in the eShop. No matter, it will be fun to draw the spells on the touchscreen, pretending my finger is the celestial brush!


Detective Pikachu isn’t your regular Pikachu

A new bit of footage was shown for Detective Pikachu, the 3DS game that is close to release. On March 23 it will grace the stores, including the big Amiibo. I’ve read online that people are disappointed by the voice of Pikachu, and it does take some getting used to the gruff voice when you are used to the high pitched Pika-Pika!

Looking at the footage yesterday I was very much reminded of Garfield and the kind of humor of that cat. I’ve always loved that fat cat and his relationship to Jon and Odie, so this Pikachu was instantly a bit more dear to me!

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 soundtrack in Japan

Last week I mentioned the upcoming soundtrack for Zelda Breath of the Wild. There’s another soundtrack coming: again limited to Japan for now, but Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is releasing its music too on May 23.

Type A – USB Deluxe Edition

This version is exclusive to Amazon Japan and is limited to 2,000 copies. It will cost 18,000 yen. In this version, the soundtrack comes on an USB stick shaped like a Core Crystal, with the unique serial number engraved on it. The deluxe edition features a total of 126 tracks – 105 regular tracks from the main game, five bonus piano arrangements by Ivan Lynn and 16 jingles. It also comes packaged in a premium box and with a 120 page booklet. Also included are a score sheet for the main theme and a “message card”.

Type B – Deluxe Edition

Essentially the same as the USB Deluxe Edition, except that it comes on CD. It is also limited to Amazon Japan and will cost 7,800 yen.

Type C – Standard Edition

This one comes with no extras, just the main 105 tracks on CD. This one will also be available digitally on various services. It will cost 4,500 yen.

The OST (with 105 tracks) will also be purchaseable on digital stores such as iTunes.

Now that last part is interesting to me, as it will be a good addition to my Games Playlist!

Snack World Trejarers Gold gets another Japanese trailer

Former 3DS game The Snack World by Level 5 is getting a polish and is released on the Switch in Japan on April 12. This game has been on my radar for some time, as it reminds me of Fantasy Life, another favorite from the same game developer.

No word of a Western release, but don’t you agree it looks very, very good? Maybe the game has English subtitles, then buying the Japanese version would be fine. A girl can dream, right?

Want to read more about them the game, find it here. 

Got Pokémon Bank? Download Decidueye, Incineraor and Primarina for free!

Are you a member of the Pokémon Bank? I have been for a couple of years now, though I must admit I hardly do anything with it. I did in the beginning, and uploaded some of my legendaries and special Pokémon there. And now I dare not end the membership, afraid that I’ll lose them!

Something good came from it though, as I can now download Decidueye, Incineraor and Primarina, all with a hidden ability. Here’s the description:

“Decidueye’s Hidden Ability is Long Reach, an Ability that no other obtainable Pokémon has had before. It allows the Pokémon to use its moves without making contact with its opponents, so Decidueye won’t take damage from Abilities like Rough Skin or held items like Rocky Helmet.

Incineroar’s Hidden Ability, Intimidate, lowers its opponent’s Attack when Incineroar enters battle. With Intimidate, you can cut down on the attacking power of opponents that rely on physical attacks.

Primarina’s Liquid Voice Hidden Ability has also never been available for a Pokémon until now. With Liquid Voice, all of Primarina’s sound-based moves become Water type. Because these moves become the same type as Primarina, their power is increased!”

If you want them too, you have to take a one-year subscription for $4,99 through the eShop on the 3DS.

Luigi’s Manson remake for 3DS

This time not about Mario, but a game about his brother. I have played a bit of the sequel on the 3DS, but I wasn’t very good at beating the ghosts. Still, Luigi’s Mansion 2 Dark Moon was a fun game. This one was originally released on the GameCube in 2002, and is now getting a revamp for the 3DS. Should be fun again, and I know some of the fans of the original game will be over the moon.

I guess that’s it for this week. I’m going to go back to collecting mushrooms in Animal Crossing Pocket Camp for themed items and trying to understand just what exactly I’m doing in the Sims Mobile. Other then that, I’m playing a very challenging new game on the Switch, but I’ll write all about that in the next YvoCaro plays. Thank you for reading!

One comment

  1. I cannot wait for Luigi’s Mansion! That is one of my favorite games on the GameCube, if not one of my favorite games of all time! The chance to play it again on the 3DS sounds very enticing 🙂

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