Handheld Gaming News week 19

Hello my friend, come on in and sit down. It’s time again to see what Handheld Gaming News captured my attention this week. Tomorrow we celebrate Mother’s Day in the Netherlands, as I’m pretty sure a lot of countries do. This weekend should be a pretty relaxed affair for me then! Though, besides being a mom, I’m a daughter too, so just lazing around all Sunday won’t work. Will you have a special day tomorrow too?

Anyway, come on in and get yourself a nice cup of coffee.

Minecraft release for Nintendo Switch

This week saw the release of Minecraft on the Switch. I guess you must have lived under a rock if you don’t know what Minecraft is. What’s more important is that this is the first portable version of the game on a Nintendo console, which is pretty cool. Because Minecraft is a game that just begs to be played on the go.

The Switch allows for some great online options: eight players can get together online or play locally if everyone has a  Switch. Up to four can play together in a split-screen view from a single console. This edition of the game introduces a Super Mario Mash-Up pack, including a Mario-themed world. It also adds several extra worlds, like Chinese Mythology, Halloween, Festive and Greek Mythology.

I have the Vita version, and had a lot of fun with it. Seeing the reviews of this one ( NintendoLife, a 9 out of 10!) I think this version of the game is a must have for the fans.

Mario Stamps in Japan

The Japanese do get the coolest stuff! The National Japan Post are selling limited Nintendo character postage stamps. They’re based on the original artwork for some of Nintendo’s most iconic characters. And if that wasn’t special enough, if you receive an item of post with one the stamps attached, they’ll add a special celebration postmark on your letter or stamp.Mario stamps, japan, ladiesgamers.com

Harvest Moon Skytree Village European Release 

Harvest Moon Skytree Village, the game that combines farming with landscaping was already release last November in America. Now, Europe gets a release too on June 2. The Limited Edition bundle is available to pre-order on the Nintendo UK store. It includes a soundtrack CD and art book plus A 6-Lapel Pin Set and Blue Feather Key-Chain.Harvest moon, sky tree village

Nintendo Badge Arcade updates coming to a halt

Do you often use The Nintendo Badge Arcade? If you do you’ll be sorry to hear that there will be no more updates after the last one on May 26, 2017. No more new badges, but the This means there will be no new badges but the existing catchers will still be rotated. (Thanks, Japanese Nintendo!)

They say it’s because of storage issues on the 3DS related to the Nintendo Badge Arcade. Nintendo has not said anything about the North American or European updates ending. Still, it feels strange that such extras to the 3DS systems are stopped. I mean, Streetpasses through the Nintendo zones and hotspots have come to a stop as well!

Deemo The Last Recital

There’s more then one game genre that I’m awful at playing, and as often happens: if you aren’t good at something, it’s only frustrating to play. But every now and then a game pops up that peaks my interest nonetheless. Rhythm game Deemo is such a game. A fellow blogger was very enthusiastic about it ( you can read Revaryk’s blog here).

Now Deemo The Last Recital will be coming to the Vita as a PlayStation Store exclusive in America and Europe (May 16, 2017) and a physical release later on (June 9, 2017). Which interests me, even though it’s a game that I probably shouldn’t try. But the game follows a young girl who falls from the sky and meets Deemo, a mystical creature who lives alone inside a mysterious castle. On their mission to help the little girl return to her home, they come across a strange tree attached to a piano. With each note it hears, the tree grows taller. Together the must work to discover the mysteries surrounding both the strange Deemo and the girl who has lost all her memories.

Revaryk’s blog is about the mobile version, so judge for yourself if it’s your cup of tea!

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is an upcoming Nintendo 3DS port of the original game that was released back then on the DS. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that Atlus is working on this one. Wanted to add a bit more info about this new port here. The game will have additional content and features such as voice acting, new visuals and music, and a new sub-plot called the Sub-History involving a new party member named Nemesia.

This is the story behind Radiant Historia:

In the midst of an unending war for dominance between two super-powers, Special Intelligence Agent Stocke is assigned to a routine escort mission that goes horribly awry. However, wielding a mysterious book called the White Chronicle, Stocke discovers a way to travel to the intersection of time itself: Historia. With this power in his hands, he must travel back and forth through key events and an entirely alternate timeline to right the world’s ill-fated course.

What appeals to me in this game description is the time travel that is needed to advance the plot. There’s the “Standard History” and the “Alternate History”. Both timelines are connected and they affect each other, and give different outcomes for their decisions.

Sounds interesting, right? Might be a good RPG to play! No releasedate yet.


I guess that’s enough news for this week? I’m still helping Firis getting ready for her Alchemist Exams. What have you been playing lately? Are you into a 3DS game or into one of the growing Switch library? For now, thanks for reading, and enjoy your gaming weekend!



  1. Haha, I can’t believe a while after I made my post about Deemo, it was announced for an American release! I’m quite happy about that (though I can’t get it, because I don’t have a Vita).
    Recently, I have completed my third heist in Persona 5! I have recruited another Phantom Thief onto the team. Right now, we found another Palace. So, I’m exploring that.

  2. Very sad to see certain 3DS features discontinuing! 🙁 I only started back on Nintendo handhelds back in August 2015 so I was super late to the part, and my acquisition of a Vita put it on the backburner for a while. Super happy with the release cycle for the rest of 2017, looks like it’ll be getting revitalized until at least 2018! Radiant Historia is one I’d been planning to visit for years so I’ll end up holding off until a Western release 🙂

    1. Well, maybe the fact that the badge center will stop is no indication at all for 3DS features discontinuing. One can always hope, the release schedule looks good at least!

      1. True – I was even just referring to the lack of StreetPasses that I get anymore. Even inside the Nintendo World Store itself! I finally finished the puzzles but it’s a bummer to never see that awesome green light blink anymore 🙁

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