Interview: Life without video games

As you’ve no doubt gathered the last few weeks, I’ve been writing prompted by Writing101, and through that Blogging Course I’ve met a lot of interesting and nice people. A comment made on my blog “The Right Game for the Right Time” about puzzle games got my extra attention. Gina Blue wrote:

I know my son and grandkids would know EXACTLY what you are talking about…but me…hell, I don’t even know what DS means or is! The only game I ever played was pac man…can you believe that!! Well, it’s never too late so they say, sooo I did take in a little info and maybe that’s a start…

To which I responded:

See, I’m slowly converting you, Gina! I promise you that once you’ve got the basics down and throw them randomly into a conversation with you family, you’ll gain lots of respect! Thanks for reading!

Of course, in real life I’m surrounded too by people who don’t play video games, but somehow her comment made me see my site through the eyes of someone who is not into gaming. I contacted Gina and asked her if I might ask her some questions, you know, from a gamer to a non-gamer. Gina has her own intriguing blog going that you will find here: GinaBlueblogThis lady from Conneaut, Ohio is a great writer, so I was glad she like the idea. Here are the results of our collaboration!


Have you ever played video games or any other kind of games like on your smartphone or pc? If you never did, why not?
Years ago (1981 I think) I played PacMac at 25 cents a game. I really enjoyed the challenge of the game although it’s been so long I don’t remember what that challenge was. A few years ago my grandkids taught me how to play one of those virtual games…Wii?? It had to do with throwing a ball and hitting an object. I did not enjoy it. I do not have a smartphone…yet, but I’m thinking about it. No, I do not play games on my PC. I do play board games however and especially love Bananagrams, which I play with my 93 y/o mother. She’s sharp as a tack!

I am quick verbally, but quite slow visually. I call it my visual disability. At times I simply do not see things. My daughter Jamie says, “Mom, you could miss a Mac truck!” I also have difficulty matching up which way “George” (on a dollar bill) is looking when it comes to correctly inserting money into a vending machine. This disability may have discouraged me from playing games even though I wasn’t able to label the behavior until adulthood. Just guessing here.

I noticed that we use the term “gamer” quite differently. What’s your definition of a gamer?
To me a “gamer” is anyone who takes advantage of another person through manipulative means. Example:  I saw a kid (acting in distress) run up to an adult he knew, told her he lost $5 grocery money while riding his bike to the store and would she help him find it. Of course she ended up giving him a $5 bill! That’s a gamer!  Until I hooked up with you, Yvonne, I didn’t realize “gamer” was a person (age irrelevant) who plays video games.

When you think of someone playing video games, do you have a stereotype in mind?
I watch my grand-kids sitting in the back seat of the family car “going to town” on their iPods/iPads quiet as mice. Their mom loves the quiet drive to school or wherever. When the kids were younger, they were mesmerized by DVD movies; today it’s iPads. These digital devices are great for volume control!

My 40 y/o son has been a video “junky” since a small child. At one point I called him a “couch potato” and wasn’t sure he’d ever get off the couch! I’m pleased to report he has and now has several interests in addition to video games. You can be sure he’s kept all his favorite childhood games! Yes, I guess I do have a stereotype!

Does anyone in your family play video games?
My son and my daughter’s three children: Cruz age 13, Eden age 12 and Daphne age 10.

Although little girls play a lot of video games nowadays, most of them stop playing when they grow up.  What’s your theory as to why that happens?
I’m not sure how old a girl has to be to be “grown up,” but I would suspect depending on one’s sexuality, once puberty hits, most girls are going to be more interested in the opposite/same sex than video games. Of course, interest in video games could initially be a “boy magnet,” but wane once he’s caught.This sure would be true in my family. We girls (at age 93, my mom is still looking for a boyfriend!) sure do love our men! My granddaughter Eden (12) is involved in competitive gymnastics and doesn’t talk much about boys. I’m not sure if puberty has hit yet either. We don’t get to talk much. She and her sibs are on the Go! Go! Go! all the time.

Do you feel there is an age limitation for playing games?
Absolutely not!  Playing games whether they’re video or board keep our thinking skills sharp and honed. I think video games also keep our reflexes sharp. On the other hand, I don’t think “sharp reflexes” has much to do with board games. Board games have more to do with ”thinking” skills. There might be a difference of opinion about this.

Thanks so much Gina, for your answers! As you perhaps had gathered this is my first step towards making a gamer out of you. I can see a great future for you in games like Animal Crossing, which you can play at your own leisure and it doesn’t matter if you’re quick or accurate. And hey, if you aren’t convinced yet, at least you’ll impress your son and grand-kids with this blog!


  1. Awesome, Yvonne! Yep, they’ll sit up and take notice now! Animal Crossing?? You’ve piqued my interest…I’ll ask my grand kids about that one!…This has been a fun,fun, fun collaboration!! Thanks!

  2. Good Morning, Yvonne! I need your help about “rules of acceptance” for my award nomination. Maybe you already told me and I just didn’t “get it.” Boy, am I sloooow on the uptake! Please excuse. Thanks for your patience!!

    1. Lol, no I didn’t tell…and I omitted some stuff in my own blog too as otherwise the blog would be way too long! Officially you tell 11 fun facts about yourself, you answer the 11 questions I answered in mine too and then you can nominate up to 11 other blogs. Have fun!

  3. Loved the interview! It’s so neat to see something from the other side, to get a different point of view.

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