As you may already have noticed, we have been busy here on the site with all kinds of changes. I felt it was time to fill you in!
The theme the site is based on has changed. The old theme, a bought theme actually, was giving us some headaches. I guess it was getting to be too old!
I say it was giving us some headaches, where in the past I would have said me. But ever since Jonah joined the writer team, I have found someone who can take all kind of technical stuff out of my hands. I was tinkering under the hood of a Wordpress site myself, mostly by trial and error. And although I am proud that I made the website work on my own, I don’t really know a thing about HTML programming.
Jonah has had his own website on Wordpress for a long time and his technical knowledge surpasses mine, which is very helpful. It’s nice to have someone to discuss such things with, and not having to go it alone. It has given the website a real boost!
Some of you might have raised an eyebrow when a guy joined the writer team here at LadiesGamers. But of course, we still look at games from a woman’s point of view, but do women prefer such different games from men?
I don’t think so, I think it’s more to do with preferences in gaming. Maybe more women then men go for the cute and colorful, more laid back games. But there are lots of girls who like the more intense action games as well.
It might have more to do with which stage you are in in your life. I mean, when the kids are running around, or if you only have a minimum of spare time aside from work and your family, you need games that you can pick up easily for a short time. And Jonah knows all about busy family with five children ( and a sixth one on the way).
The writers team is expanding nicely, with writers who come from all parts of the world and have their own preferences. That’s important and we strive to give you a view on gaming that covers more gaming genres. Not everyone can donate a lot of time to writing for LadiesGamers, but that’s okay: everyone writes as much or as little as they want to or have time for.
Pikodoodle is over in Asia, with her favourite console being the DS Lite. Paige is in Australia and plays a wide array of games. And most of the time, she can also highlight a game she is playing from the perspective of her kid sister. Picorine is in Virginia (US) and although she is new to being a writer, I can vouch from experience that she can talk gaming until the cows come home.
Vic is from the UK is head admin for the Facebook group Handheld Gaming Network, which keeps her quite busy. CJ lives in the North Eastern part of the United States and will write what she’s passionate about: whether it’s a game, or the gaming industry in general.
Jonah loves retro gaming, and platforming games too. And I’ll be here to connect it all and bore you to death with my preference of laid back simulation games.
A new theme is up, my daughter made us a new banner and we are ready for the coming months of gaming! We added a section with the game review scores. The scores express our sentiment on a game without using harsh marks. Expect to see more reviews for new eShop games in the future, and a bigger variety of games in our articles.
And as ever: thank you for taking the time to read our articles!
Love the new look, and I am looking forward to the new content the team will put together. Keep up the great work!
Thank you Matt, we will do our best!