News LadiesGamers week 22

Come on in my friend, and get yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea! Time to look back and wrap up of everything that happened on the site this past week, running from May 27th until June 2nd 2019.

The weekly news highlights what happened on this past week. If you are pressed for time during the week (aren’t we all, these days? 🙄you will find everything you need to know in this weekly wrap up!

This reminds me: have you seen the banner on top of our site? We are always looking for people who would like to have a shot at reviewing games for the Switch, mobile or 3DS.

This past week’s review:

Review Trine 2: Complete Story (Switch)

Trine 2: Complete Story (Switch) Review – A brilliant fantasy action adventure platformer with puzzles, comedic moments, lots of charm and personality. Evriun gives the game a Two Thumbs Up, the highest praise on our site!

Trine 2: Complete Story

Featured Series/ Editorials

YvoCaro Plays

In the series YvoCaro Plays (find my unedited gaming thoughts here) I tend to ramble on about my gaming adventures. This week it’s about the newly announce Pokémon Home system. I have PokéBank, or at least, I hope my critters are still there. What will this cloud service add?  YvoCaro Plays: Pokémon Home and Pokémon Bank

Pokémon Home


In other news:

We didn’t have many featured articles or reviews on the site this past week. More room then for news snippets! Two of the Kickstarters we were following got funded, and there was news about one of my favourite series. Have a very happy gaming week!

Kickstarter Spleen funded by 910 backers

Kickstarter Spleen had succesfull funding! In the last hours the threshold of CAN$ 90.000 was reached. Pamplemousse can move forward!

Kickstarter Kofi Quest: Alpha MOD has made it!

Kickstarter Kofi Quest: Alpha MOD was also succesfull in making the funding threshold! A good campaign with 140% funded!

Kofi Quest Kickstarter

Root Letter: the Last Answer visual novel coming

Do you like your mystery novels? The remake of Root Letter might be worth checking out as it is coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Root Letter Last Answer

Atelier Ryza: The Queen of Eternal Darkness & The Secret Hideout announced

The people over at Gust are very busy indeed: the third Atelier is set to release this Fall in Japan. Atelier Ryza is the first one of a new series.

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