Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on the site since then, starting May 31st until June 6th of 2021.
So if you haven’t had time to read in the past weeks, here’s all that was published, all wrapped in a nice package. So get yourself a cup of coffee (or tea of course), kick back and enjoy!
Winds of Change Review – We Like It a Lot
Adventure Visual Novel (US $19.99 | UK £17.99 | EU € 19,99)
Paula: Winds of Change is a lengthy visual novel with hours upon hours of playtime. At times I did feel that it was maybe a bit too long, though I think that will depend on how well you gel with the storyline. While the story is enjoyable and quite interesting, I felt that too much time is spent on managing minor friendships in the game, which feels like a filler to me.
If adventure, visual novels with furries are your jam, then you will more than likely find what you are looking for in Winds of Change.
Stray Cat Doors 2 Review – We Like It a Lot
Puzzle adventure game/ Escape Room (US $16.00 | UK £14.00 | EU € 16,29)
Yvonne: Stray Cat Doors 2 is a lovely game, gorgeous looking visuals, a nostalgic sweet feeling to the adventure and great puzzles to solve. Just the ticket when you get home from a stressful day at work and want to relax.
If you like Escape Room games this one might be for you if you don’t mind the cutesy feel. If you like wholesome gaming and solving some light puzzles, this is definitely one to go for.
The only minor remark I have is that the English translations could be better. But Pulsmo did a great job once again, expanding on the great gameplay of the first one!
Sumire Review – We Like It a Lot
Narrative Adventure (US $14.99 | UK £11.69 | EU € 12,99)
Paula: Sumire is a sweet, engrossing narrative adventure, that doesn’t shy away from some heavy topics. The price point in the eShop might be a little high for 3 hours of playtime, that would be my only major complaint about the game.
There is some replayability to be had in the game especially if you want to complete all the challenges. I was very happy with the ending I got and couldn’t bring myself to play the game again to get a bad karma ending and complete the challenge (achievement). What can I say…I like a happy ending, who doesn’t?
Cthulhu Saves Christmas Review – We Like It a Lot
RPG (US $9.99 | UK £11.39 | EU € 9,99)
James: Cthulhu Saves Christmas is a great example of a game where the developer had a limited budget and possibly resources and just created something pretty darn brilliant. With a funny creative story and gameplay that works for gamers of multiple skill levels, this is well worth purchasing if you need a title to make you smile or just bring the Christmas spirit a little early this year.
hexurb Review – We Like It
Relaxing City Builder (US $4.99 | UK £3.99 | EU € 4,99)
Paula: While I do like the relaxing gameplay and music in the game, I do feel a little more colour added to the game would brighten it up a little. Compared to other games in this style or genre hexrub looks a little bland. It can also be hard to see what you are doing in the game as the camera isn’t a free-roaming as it could be.
In saying that the developer should be praised for the relaxing gameplay and the sweet music to accompany it.
Fallen Legion Revenants Review – We Like It
Adventure RPG (US $39.99 | UK £35.99 | EU € 39,99)
James: Fallen Legion Revenants has some great ideas but they don’t all come together as well as they should. The battle system is deep but not friendly to newcomers. The political talking sections were a good idea but just didn’t seem to compliment the experience.
Overall, it’s an original concept with some flaws. Worth a look if you want to try something different from the norm. But for a third entry in a series, it seems it should be a bit more refined at this point.
Fate Of The Pharaoh Review – We Like It
Strategy Simulation (US $9.99 | UK £8.99 | EU $ 9,99)
Paula: Fate Of The Pharaoh is a perfectly enjoyable game, though without much of a challenge. The game would be a great starting ground for a young child who is interested in playing time-management games as it’s accessible to just about anyone. As for adult gamers, as long as you don’t take it too seriously then there’s no real reason you shouldn’t enjoy it.
Siebenstreich’s Nerdventure Review – We Like It
Adventure puzzle (US $14.99 | UK £13.49 | EU $ 14,99)
Paula: Siebenstreich’s Nerdventure is a fun and enjoyable weird adventure game. The puzzles do pose a challenge but it’s the right kind of challenge, neither too difficult nor too easy.
If you’re a point and click adventure connoisseur with a broad sense of humour you’ll probably find what you’re looking for in Siebenstreich’s Nerdventure.
Regina & Mac World Review– We Don’t Like It
Action Platformer (US $3.99 | UK £ TBC | EU € TBC)
James: Regina & Mac World is not a good game. Awful art design, terrible controls and generic design make this 2D platformer near impossible to recommend to anyone. This game was unpleasant to play in every aspect. Unless extensive patches are done later down the road I would avoid this at all costs.
Editorials and News
Upcoming Switch Games June 2021
We’re into June already, so time to publish the list of Upcoming Switch Games. These are the ones we have on our radar!
Ladies in Gaming Biz: Ana at Nerd Monkeys
LadiesGamers is keen to put ladies in the gaming biz in the spotlight. Time for a new series: Meet Ana from nerd Monkeys.
The Guerrilla Collective News
The Guerrilla Collective leads up to E3 2021 with the first of a two day show with all kinds of indie goodness showing! Here’s our pick!
Paula’s Game Ramblings: Animal Crossing Through the Generations
Early access for Patrons
Paula takes a trip down memory lane thinking back to connecting with her far away family using Animal Crossing over the years.