Nintendo Labo Wheel Functionality with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

The Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 03 Vehicle Kit released on the 14th of September. One of the components of it is the wheel and pedal. These were added as a playable controller in an update to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the 19th of September.

The wheel works pretty fine, though there is a bit of latency. Pressing the horn uses the items. Pushing on the pedal is how you accelerate. However, it is also how you drift. As you have to push down on the pedal to drift. Any of the four other levers on the Labo Wheel would have been a better choice. The normal game controls have separate buttons for accelerate and drift, so why this? It’s very hard to go straight after drifting without just drifting again. I’ve recorded my initial play with it, which you can see here:

This wouldn’t have been too bad if not for this, but you couldn’t play any courses over 100cc with the Labo Wheel. Steering is better than the Labo Motorbike, but the other controls aren’t. Soon I will have my full review of the Vehicle Kit so please look forward to that.

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