Articles especially made for our Patrons. Find our page here:
Paula’s Game Ramblings: Fourth Anniversary
Another month has gone by so it's time for me to ramble. Welcome to another of Paula's game ramblings; you ...
Shorts: Mens Sana Interactive Indie Dev Interview
Especially for our Patrons in Tier 2 and 3 we have made another Indie Dev interview! This time our developer ...
Shorts: Rocket Boy Games Indie Dev Interview
Especially for our Patrons in Tier 2 and 3 we have made another Indie Dev interview! This time, we couldn’t ...
Paula’s Game Ramblings: To Quest or Not to Quest
Into August already, isn't the year going in quickly! So here we are back again for another Paula's Game Ramblings ...
YvoCaro Plays: To Slay a Monster
Welcome to another YvoCaro Plays! As always, these blurbs are mostly about the video games I’m currently playing. Unedited thoughts ...
NewsLetter 27-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
NewsLetter 26-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
Paula’s Game Ramblings: The Legend of Zelda
Welcome back for another of my game ramblings. If you like these random thoughts, you can find the previous ramblings ...
NewsLetter 25-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
NewsLetter 24-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
YvoCaro Plays: E3 and Wholesome Gaming
The Electronics Entertainment Expo…a magical yearly event for all gamers. For years I’ve watched as much of the event I ...
NewsLetter 23-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
NewsLetter 21-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
Paula’s Game Ramblings: Animal Crossing Through the Generations
Here I am back again for another game ramblings, the last four weeks have flown by, haven't they? For these ...
NewsLetter 20-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
NewsLetter 19-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
YvoCaro Plays: Sword Art Online
Welcome to another YvoCaro Plays! As always, these blurbs are mostly about the video games I’m currently playing. Unedited thoughts ...
Monthly Q&A: The World of Visual Novels
In March, Elena and Ash discussed what makes a good strategy game (find the article here). This time, CJ and ...
NewsLetter 18-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
Polygoat Indie Dev Interview
Time for a Patron-only interview! This time our developer interview is with Belgian studio Polygoat, the developer of Stichy in ...
NewsLetter 17-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
Paula’s Game Ramblings: Introduction to Atelier
Here I am back again for another game ramblings, doesn't time fly from one month to the next?! This month, ...
NewsLetter 16-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
Tikipod Indie Dev Interview
Time for a Patron-only interview! This time our developer interview is with Dugan Jackson from Tikipod Ltd. Developers and publishers ...
NewsLetter 15-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
NewsLetter 14-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
NewsLetter 13-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
Paula’s Game Ramblings: The Monsters In My Home 2
Last month I talked about the monsters in my home, particularly my Chameleon Grump, and guess what? Yes, you’re right, ...
NewsLetter 12-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
NewsLetter 11-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
Survey for our Patrons
Our Patron Page came to life some 6 months ago, so for us, it's time to hear your thoughts. Tell ...
YvoCaro Plays: Gaming Music
Welcome to another YvoCaro Plays! As always, these blurbs are mostly about the video games I’m currently playing. Unedited thoughts ...
NewsLetter 10-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened ...
Monthly Q&A: Strategy Game Favorites
This month's topic is “Strategy Games”! LadiesGamers team members Ash and Elena discuss the genre definition and their favourite games ...
Paula’s Game Ramblings: The Monsters In My Home
When it comes to playing video games I’m a sucker for a game with any kind of reptile as the ...
NewsLetter 8-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
NewsLetter 7-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
YvoCaro Plays: Pokémon and Being a Cool Mom
25 Years of a Phenomenon This week, February 27, it was 25 years ago when the world of gaming changed ...
NewsLetter 6-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
Monthly Q&A: Scoring Reviews and Number of Views
Last month, James and Elena talked about how they scored their reviews. This month, Paula and Yvonne talk about reviews, ...
Bitfinity Games Indie Dev Interview
Time for a Patron only interview! This time our developer interview is with Matthew Taranto, co-founder with his brother Michael ...
NewsLetter 5-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
Paula’s Game Ramblings: Time to Upgrade
Here I am, back again for another of my ramblings, this time I’m not going to ramble about games. Instead, ...
NewsLetter 4-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
NewsLetter 3-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
NewsLetter 2-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on ...
Maschinen-Mensch Indie Dev Interview
In a year of lockdown, I managed yet to travel abroad, feast with the natives, and paint scenic waterfalls. I ...
Monthly Q&A with: James and Elena
The question of the month is “How Do We Rate Games?” LadiesGamers team members James and Elena discuss how they ...
NewsLetter 1-2021
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in this first Newsletter for 2021 With our Patreon efforts ...
North Star Digital Studios behind Evolution
Time for a Patron only interview! This time we talk with Bree Woodward, Art Director, North Star Digital Studios. The Studios ...
Paula’s Game Ramblings: Travelling through Games
Just like everyone else had been saying lately about 2020, I’m going to say it to...well wasn’t that a strange ...
NewsLetter 8 2020
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in this Newsletter for In here, we will detail ...
YvoCaro Plays: New Years Resolutions
The new year... many of us feel the this is the time to start with a clean slate. To make ...
Chibig Indie Dev Interview
Time for another Patron only interview! The people over at Chibig, who made one of my most favorite games in ...
NewsLetter 7 2020
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in this Newsletter for In here, we will detail ...
Paula’s Game Ramblings: the Perks of the Job
In our last Q&A we talked about the work that goes on behind the scenes of LadiesGamers. (you can find ...
Monthly Q&A with: Paula and Yvonne
In November we launched our first Q&A with the team behind LadiesGamers, with Paula and me. We talked about what ...
Nerd Monkeys Indie Dev Interview
In October Paula reviewed Nerd Monkeys game Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in The Hotel Lisbon, an adventure, ...
NewsLetter 6 2020
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in this fourth Newsletter for In here, we will ...
YvoCaro Plays: Seducing New Players
The Company of Old Friends That title made you look right? I'll explain. Every gamer I know has a game ...
NewsLetter 5 2020
Hello there! Nice to see you here in this fourth Newsletter for In here, we will detail all that ...
Paula’s Game Ramblings
We all have various technical things to help us out in daily life. Such as computers and mobile phones, right ...
News Letter 4 2020
Hello there! Nice to see you here in this fourth Newsletter for In here, we will detail all that ...
Monthly Q&A with Paula and Yvonne
We are forever giving you our verdict about games, make lists of recommended games and have added interviews with indie ...
Newsletter 3 2020
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you again here in this third Newsletter for In the NewsLetter, ...
Paula’s Gaming Ramblings: CIV Expansion Stress
Anyone that knows me as a gamer will know that one of my favourite genres is Strategy. And my favourite ...
NewsLetter 2 2020
Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to meet you here in this second Newsletter for In the NewsLetter, we ...
Cape Cosmic, the developer behind Phoenotopia!
A while back we were happy to review Phoenotopia: Awakening for indie developer Cape Cosmic. An adventure RPG game in ...
LG NewsLetter 1 2020
This may seem familiar to you all, as you've already gotten it in your email! It's just me trying to ...