Please Fix The Road LadiesGamers

Please Fix the Road Review

Game: Please Fix the Road
Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation
System: Steam (Windows, SteamOS & Linux)
Developers | Publishers: Ariel Jurkowski Games
Controller Support: Full
Price: US $ 8.99 | UK £ 7.49 | EU € 8,99
Release Date: June 10th, 2022

Review code used, with many thanks to Ariel Jurkowski Games.

Please Fix the Road is a gorgeous, laid back puzzle simulation game. Developer Ariel Jurkowski is a solo creator and publisher of video games, and Please Fix the Road is their first game.

Please Fix The Road LadiesGamers
Fix that road.

Help the Locals Down the Road

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you what you are tasked with in the game, considering the title says it all. But I’m going to tell you anyway, in Please Fix The Road, you do exactly that and fix the roads throughout the 150 levels the game contains.

There are cars, boats, trains and animals patiently waiting for you to fix the road so they can get from point A to point B. But of course, with it being a puzzle game, there is a catch as you only have a specific number of tools and replacement tiles per level to use and help you out.

Please Fix The Road LadiesGamers
Go from point A to B

Various Game Mechanics

There are many different mechanics, and each is introduced at various stages of the gameplay. It starts out simple enough, with you only having to fix a couple of tiles on the road using one mechanic, but it soon builds up to some wonderful head-scratching fun.

You manipulate multiple tiles on the board to make a road to the exit flag. In addition, you can destroy tiles by blowing them up and inserting new tiles. You can even rotate, copy, raise, lower, push or move different segments of roads, rivers, paths or railroad tracks. I’m sure I’ve forgotten to mention a few mechanics as there are many. The game combines lots of elements throughout the gameplay, helping to keep it fresh.

Please Fix The Road LadiesGamers
Chill out while playing.

Have a Hint

When I first started playing Please Fix The Road for this review, there wasn’t a hint system or help. You could rewind your steps or undo a road section if you misplaced it, and that was it. If you got stuck on a level, you were on your lonesome to solve it. Since then, the game has had a few updates and added a hint system. It offers just enough of a hint to get you going again but doesn’t solve the puzzle completely, which is how a good hint system should work.

Please Fix The Road LadiesGamers
Vibrant colours

On some of the puzzles, there are two roads to the exit; this led me to think I had to connect both roads to solve it. However, you don’t have to do that. Instead, you make one route to the exit to solve the puzzle, using only the tools provided. Fixing most of the roads isnt overly difficult, but as you move through the levels, the challenge does increase.

Please Fix The Road LadiesGamers
Simplistic look

Visuals and Controls

The game looks amazing. Each puzzle is presented in a simplistic isometric look with a minimalist style that allows bright, vibrant colours to pop throughout the whole game. When the puzzle is complete, and you move to the next one, an animation kicks in, showing the road rolling up and moving on; I loved seeing the puzzle roll away. Music is chill and brings the whole game together in a charming package, along with the sound effects.

Special attention should be paid during the game’s opening scene, as you will see your name on the screen. My Steam username popped up on the screen; it surprised me as I’ve never seen that implemented into a game before. Nevertheless, it is a cool idea!

Please Fix The Road LadiesGamers
See your name on the screen!

The game is controlled by the mouse, or you can use a controller. I tried both options though my preference was using the controller; both systems work as they should.

Please Fix The Road LadiesGamers


Please Fix The Road is a brilliant game; it gives the player enough help to get through the levels without it becoming frustrating. It is a great game to dip in and out of for short play sessions after a stressful day. Added to that the game is beautiful to look at, puzzle fans will love this game, it is definitely worth checking out.

Final Verdict: Two Thumbs Up  Two thumbs up

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