PS Vita: Handheld Game of 2015

It’s almost that time of the year, let’s kick off with our choice of game of the year 2015! This time it won’t just be a 3DS game of the year, but you will be choosing the Handheld Game of 2015. A handheld game can be a game on the 3DS, on the PS Vita or a mobile game, played on iOS or on Android devices.

First we will choose the PS Vita game of 2015. I got my own Vita last year in January for my birthday, and even though a lot of people think the Vita might be past its expiry date, I’ve had an awful lot of fun with it. What a powerful device, at times the graphics and what it can do just blow me away.

Diptic, vita, atelier ayesha, code realize, ar nosurgeThese are the games I played on it this year:

  • Innocent Life (2007) *
  • Tearaway (2013)
  • Atelier Rorona Plus (2014)*
  • Minecraft (2014)*
  • Ar NoSurge, Ode to an Unborn Star (2015) *
  • Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley (2010)
  • Code: Realize~Guardian of Rebirth (2015)*
  • Atelier Ayesha Plus (2015)*

The ones with an * behind them made it to be my game of the Month, so as far as I’m concerned it will be one of those that will be my Vita game of the year. I’ve prepared a poll with Vita releases in this year. If you own a PS Vita I would like to ask you to choose your Vita game of the year; if a title that gets your points is missing, please add it to the list.

[polldaddy poll=9229757]


  1. Just voted! 🙂

    I would rather think that the Vita has just found its stride and is now starting to shine for good! We’ve had tons of amazing Vita games this year and just as many are slated for release in 2016. And let’s not even talk about Japan, which is flooded with Vita games! And we can import these games all we want thanks to the vita not being region-locked, lucky us! 😀

    1. Very true! Well put, and what luck it is that nothing’s region locked. The third party developers really seem to have found their niche on the device, I noticed when I put my games of the month in a list that the majority is from the Vita. Hadn’t expected that, but it just goes to show what good games there are available!

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