zelda_breath of the wild

The Lady Gamer got herself a Switch

Almost three months after release, I’ve finally bought a Nintendo Switch! I know, my own fault for not pre-ordering the Switch when it was announced. But at the time, I was a bit underwhelmed at the lack of marketing the device as a handheld system. I thought I’d just wait and see what happened as I didn’t see any launch games that I fancied. I thought I could carry on enjoying my 3DS and Vita, that I didn’t need the newness of the Switch.

But after a few weeks of hearing all the enthusiastic stories it turned into a longing. I still enjoyed my handheld devices immensely, but still. I couldn’t fulfill this longing though as the console was nowhere to be found in the Netherlands. So I reserved one on April 13 and continued to wait patiently. Until yesterday, when I went to the local Media Markt, a huge electronics store chain over here. I went to buy myself Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Instead, I literally stumbled on a pile of Nintendo Switch consoles.

I couldn’t believe my luck! First I called the store where I had made my reservation but I still wasn’t up for one. Can you imagine I decided to snap it up then and there? I added a tempered glass screen protector. And had to make a split second decision of what game to go for. I was torn between Zelda and I am Setsuna. But I am Setsuna isn’t available physically, so I went for Zelda Breath for the Wild….at least I’ve got to give it a try, right? The story of how this writers’ family all enjoyed Zelda in their own way got me thinking. His mom enjoyed the exploration part of the game, and while I’m awful at bosses, exploration is very much my thing.

So this Lady Gamer has started Breath of the Wild, and is enjoying her Switch as a handheld device. And you can be sure you’ll hear more about it in weeks to come!


  1. I hope you will love Breath of the Wild as much as I did.

    Coincidentally, I may get my Switch later this week. I need to be ready when Arms and Splatoon 2 come out!

      1. Well, Arms may be one of those games Nintendo puts their own charm into and that suddenly becomes appealing to a whole lot of people who would have otherwise run away from the genre. Who knows!

  2. I’m curious about one technical point: did you need to hook up your Switch to a TV monitor at some point during the intallation process, or could you use it as a handheld right away? This matters a lot to me because I don’t own a TV. Apart from that, congratulations on your brand-new Switch! 🙂

    1. Not entirely sure about that. I set it up using it as a handheld but at one point it asked if I wanted to connect it to a tv. Did that, but took it back from the tv immediately. It hasn’t been in the big screen since. I do recall I got the choice to skip the tv step.

  3. Awesome! That’s a great story about stumbling upon a bunch of Switches, very lucky! Hope you have a great time with it, and I can’t wait to read more of your impressions of the system in general and Zelda in particular.

  4. Awesome! It’s a great little console 🙂 Enjoy it!

    I’ve been really into Mario Kart lately so shoot me a friend request if you’re interested 🙂 SW-5543-1226-2329

      1. But but.. the Switch comes out of the dock! It’s portable! 😉 Just kiddin’, I don’t do much (if any) gaming when I’m on vacation either.

        1. Haha! You’re right of course and I did consider it. But I would have to leave it in the car while we are exploring gardens and such. No way! Imagine if they’d steal it now!

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