The Legend of Zelda: Quiz

Our readers asked in our last Survey, and we listened. So, a first for LadiesGamers, it’s time for a quiz!

Our The Legend of Zelda Quiz spans multiple platforms to test your knowledge. You have played all the games in the Zelda series, but how well do you really know the game?

Are you a true Zelda fan? Have you beaten every game, collected every single piece of heart, taken down every boss and explored every nook and cranny of Hyrule?

The Legend of Zelda: Quiz

Can you pass our Legend of Zelda Quiz with flying colours (without checking the answers online of course)? This quiz will tell how much you know about The Legend of Zelda series of games. With thirty multiple-choice questions, it won’t take long to answer them, so give it a go and try to beat this quiz with a good score.

The Legend of Zelda: Quiz

the legend of zelda quiz

The link above will take you to a Google Quiz, which will not register your email address, so your answers will be completely anonymous. Good luck, all!

One comment

  1. No, i can honestly say im not very familiar with The Legend of Zelda. I just recently got a Nintendo Switch, prior to that my last Nintendo was The Nintendo Gamecube and N64. I’ve been pretty much on PlayStation Network since the PS1 era, im more of a Sony Pony then Nintendo fan.

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