Weekly Wrap Up 46

Come on in my friend, and get yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea! Time to look back and wrap up of everything that happened on the site this past week, running from November 19th until November 25th.

The Wrap Up highlights what happened on LadiesGamers.com this past week. If you are pressed for time during the week (aren’t we all, these days? 😳) you will find everything you need to know in this weekly Wrap Up!

This week’s reviews:

Five reviews were published this week. Even though we have reviewed the games for Switch, there’s a mobile version too for some of them. Like for The Room.

Jonah decided to turn his review for action RPG Transistor on Switch into a gameplay log.  The second part is found here. 

Featured series/ Editorials

From Steam to Switch?

In this series of articles I take a look at casual simulation games that are on Steam, but haven’t made the jump to the Switch. Of course, as a fan of Nintendo’s hybrid console I think many of these games would fit perfectly on the Switch. “From Steam to Switch?” lists the games I have on my radar, hoping they will make the switch (pun intended!).

The first one I’ve looked at is Ooblets! Find the article here. 

Soundtracks we Love

For this week; Evriun featured Mabinogi, a fantasy MMO RPG game for the PC. The gameplay is great, but then so is the soundtrack.

Mabinogi is a game where you can lead a fantasy life, based in the fictional land of Erinn, the player can choose to be a human, elf or giant and choose to do what ever they like in the game. You can apply to part time jobs, go on adventures with other players to help one another out with quests and skill building, or even become a bard and play music for people (you could even write your own sheet music to play).

I must say this sounds pretty good to me, like a great game for a handheld device. Check out Evriun’s article about the soundtrack of Mabinogi here

YvoCaro Plays

I’ve made no secret of really loving Civilisation 6. It has reconnected me with an old gaming friend, and hearing Sean Beans soothing voice really makes me happy. You can read my game-related ramblings of this week here.

Pick ‘n’ Mix games

The 11th edition of Pick ‘n’ Mix Games; a weekly team effort. Pick ‘n’ Mix strives to give you some tips about video games which are both fun and designed to be played in short bursts. Plus, they are little gems on a budget for the various handheld devices. Here is the 10th bag of sweets!

This week Jonah talks about Rogue Legacy (Switch), Evriun about Void Space Racing (Switch), Pikodoodle is very happy to recommend Into the Breach and I tell you about a game that’s on offer this week at Nintendo of America: Persona Q on the 3DS.

The news for this week

You might have noticed that the news isn’t in a separate segment on the website anymore. We manage to put up a lot of content every week, but it means less time to peruse all the news. So I decided to add them in the regular segment.

This was news this week:

Added to the series of articles for beginners about Civilization 6, this week I made a Tips for Beginners article with the help of ChamZen. Civilization 6: Beginners Tips

One other news clippet was added: Demo Katamari Damacy preroll in Japan

That’s it for this week’s Wrap Up!

Thank you for visiting, and have a great gaming week!

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