Post E3 press event LadiesGamers

YvoCaro Plays: at the Nintendo Post E3 Press Event

Time to sit down for another YvoCaro Plays. As always, these blurbs are mostly about the video games I’m currently playing. Unedited thoughts that spring up in my mind, mostly game related. And sometimes a random train of thoughts starting with the game and ending somewhere completely different. If you like these bits of gaming thoughts you can find the previous ones here

YvoCaro Plays

Nintendo Post E3 press event

Considering myself very fortunate: I got an invite again from Nintendo Benelux for the Post E3 press event! It would have been even more special if Animal Crossing Switch had been part of the lineup of course, but still: huge fun to go. Last year, I went alone, and I felt like I was sticking out like a sore thumb.

This is what I wrote:

I was exited to go, even though I knew I wouldn’t exactly fit in. What I hadn’t counted on that this was a huge understatement: imagine me, 54 years old, in my business clothes as I just got from my office at work and a woman on top of that, walking into the reception room. A room full of youngish men in jeans and a T-shirt, trying their hardest not to notice me. Sure there were some girls, but theywere few.

Although I did try to make some conversation here and there, it ended up in awkward silence. I guess it was hard to find common ground despite a common interest in Nintendo games. Which made me wonder: Is the gaming world ready for us older women being just as enthusiastic about games?

This year I went about it differently. I enlisted my daughter to come with me. After all, she is a media designer and has made the banner above the website for years now. She was happy to join me though she is not as avid a gamer as I am. So this time it wasn’t just an older lady walking in, but a stunning looking young lady as well.

I’m happy to report we had a good time. It’s much easier not to feel lost when you have someone to chat to. There seemed to be more women, and overall a more mixed audience in age. Plus, more importantly: we got some hands on time with upcoming games!

Link’s Awakening

The game we looked forward to most was no doubt The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. The guy from Nintendo asked if we knew the original. We had to confess we didn’t…I entered the world of Zelda with Windwaker. And even then, I haven’t played them all. So it wasn’t a matter of nostalgia or recognition.

What drew us to the upcoming Switch remake with the release date of September 20 was undoubtedly the graphics. Cute and colourful, looking gleaming and bright. Exactly the way I like it. And a very recognisable Link adventure too, with magical instruments to gather across the land and to awaken the Wind Fish. As expected, it played smoothly.

Post E3 press event LadiesGamers


Pokémon Sword and Shield

The other game that interested us was Pokémon Sword and Shield. We got to do a gym by puzzling and battling our way through it. And of course, we tried out the Dynamx feature. I noticed the developers made the game a bit theatrical, the way the trainer activated the Dynamax. A good thing the gym leader battled on a stage with a lot of audience all around! The game is going to be released on November 15.

Post E3 press event LadiesGamers

Luigi’s Mansion 3

Another big title that we could get our hands on was Luigi’s Mansion 3, that doesn’t yet have a release date. Just that it will be in stores in 2019. I certainly have a weakness for Mario’s brother. You know my relationship with Mario isn’t a good one, but I do like the softy with the green cap, Luigi. I have the 3DS title, but was never very successful in managing to bring the stages to a good end. But what a lovely game to play!

Post E3 press event LadiesGamers

Astral Chain gameplay

A game that we couldn’t try for ourselves, but one that we got a demonstration for: Astral Chain. This action game, developed by PlatinumGames, is coming to the Switch on August 30. I didn’t know exactly what to expect, but was surprised to see some sleuthing going on by rookie officers in the elite police task force called Neuron. Chained to their special weapons called Legion they investigated a crime scene, using the special abilities the Legion had.

Post E3 press event LadiesGamers

The game looks interesting, allowing you to customise your characters appearance. It reminded me Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth when they got busy investigating. But the fighting that followed reminded me a lot of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Only, these battles where pretty intense and I honestly doubt I could manage them myself.

Hands on with Super Mario Maker 2

Though I’m a novice at Super Mario Maker, I did have some former experience with Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis. The serious has really progressed from there, hasn’t it? There were several Switch devices there to try Super Mario Maker as long as you wanted. Not easy right, to make a good level?

Post E3 press event LadiesGamers



  1. Cool you got invited Yvonne! And smart to bring you daughter,
    Good to hear you had a better experience than last year.

    My boyfriend and me went to ‘First Look’ in Utrecht a couple of years ago.
    We didn’t like it AT ALL! Like you say, only boys/ young men.
    And I was expecting fun game stalls with lots of merchandise and sales, a fun ambiance, new exiting games… like the fun and excitement from a Comic Con.
    But it was SO not that, and we felt so out of place we almost immediately turned around and left.

    Strange how you can be a fan of (and very excited about) videogames and feel so out of place on an event about videogames.
    For me the first and last time I will ever go to a videogame related event.

    1. Yeah, I know the feeling! It helps when you are not alone, so you can at least talk together. I was at First Look in 2015, my first time with my nephew. Some feeling you had too! Isn’t it strange how the video gaming world is still so male dominated, and is still closing ranks. At least, that’s what it tells me when I hear about women in the gaming industry having a tough time just because to their gender. Of course it all has to do with marketing. As long as the gaming companies target young men and make gaming a cool thing for them to do, young women won’t easily take the leap!

  2. I’m older than you…and I love a good game!!! So does my husband who is older than you. Age is a number, it’s your spirit that counts. With all the work that you do on this site, bringing us the latest news on what to buy, what not to, I think you have plenty of spirit!! So go to your conventions and represent all of us older kids, we need a voice too. Thank you for all you do, and if any one asks, you are 36 (again)!!

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