YvoCaro Plays

YvoCaro Plays: Organizing things is soothing

Another week over, a very busy one at my other job, the one that helps me pay for maintaining this site. It was an okay week, I had a lot on my plate in my other real-life job. It even led to my neck and shoulder being stuck and very painful. Heaven forbid though that it will lead to not being able to play! Perish the thought!

Well, time to sit down for another YvoCaro Plays. As always, these blurbs are mostly about the video games I’m currently playing. Unedited thoughts that spring up in my mind, mostly game related. And sometimes a random train of thoughts starting with the game and ending somewhere completely different.

If you like these bits of gaming thoughts you can find the previous ones here.

Organizational skills wanted

Organizing my own fridge and cupboards is no fun. Cleaning them, making sure that the right things are in it to have a good stock is important, but I never seem to get around it. Nor do I particularly want to. But in gaming, that is another matter: I love organising my items on a frequent basis.

I’ve seen this pattern in Rune Factory, Animal Crossing and also in Stardew Valley. Every game-day I take the time to arrange my items. Base materials like sand and stone go in one chest, perishables in another and there’s always room for items that have no meaning to me yet. But I’m sure they will in time.

See, that’s one thing that games like Harvest Moon have taught me. Because no matter that it means that you are seriously short on in-game money in the beginning, you must make sure that you save as much as you can. Because you never know when you need a certain item to craft something or to make a dish.

Isn’t it funny to see the way the games handle storage things in one page?

Storage space optimisation in Portia

So, what led me to this thought? As I did in the past weeks I’ve been playing My Time at Portia and I was happy to see chests! You guessed it, I’m back to my organising ways. Putting the categories together, being short of space of course. But loving it anyway.

Aside from the things you need to make items, or to make materials you need to build things, there are relics as well. Left overs from the old world of Portia. You find them in ruins when you’re digging, and if you manage to find all the pieces, you can combine. They form statues, items to put in your home (to boost your stats) or to gift to people in town. People who are particularly looking forward to getting a Galloping Horse or a Porcelain Waterholder. Plus, it’s huge fun to dig for treasure this way.

What’s nice about organising storage in gaming, that you can do this no matter your gaming mood. Or maybe I’m just weird, the way having all my things organized makes me feel so much better. And though it’s nothing but pixels, having all these items even makes me feel incredibly rich!


  1. Hello! What is the loading screen time like in Portia on Switch? It seems quite slow in the YouTube videos.

  2. Haha, very recognizable!
    I love organizing too, and I love having a lot of stuff in storage for ‘just in case’.
    In Stardew Valley I had an entire small building (barn?) just for chests and a couple of machine’s.
    And at the end of every game day I would store the findings of that day in the right chest.
    That’s a big plus for games as ‘Stardew Valley’, ‘Rune Factory’ and ‘My Time in Portia’.

    One of the things I don’t like about Xenobalde Chronicles 2 (including other Xenoblades, and expansions) is that it’s hard to keep track of you’re items. Even with the ‘new sorting system’.
    Is extra complicated because some items that do the exact same thing have very different names. Sometimes they share a part of the name like ‘amulet’ but sometimes not.
    When I was playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I had a file on my tablet with what item did what, and what was the best in that category.
    I’m not doing that now with Torna, but I am running into the same problems.

    1. Lol, somehow I knew you’d find this recognizable. It’s a good thing game time doesn’t tick on while I do my reorganizing, otherwise much of the in game day would be gone by the time I’m done!

  3. I’m like you… I love to organize things in games! I think playing Animal Crossing is what kickstarted that urge… but I love to organize things in real life too, haha! My husband says I’m a little overboard about it, but I’ve always been that way!

      1. I only like organizing fun stuff like my games (video and board), amibo’s, comics and gemstones. Clothes… not so much

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