Purrgonia logo and key art.

Purrgonia Review

Game: Purrgonia
Genre: RPG, Sim, Adventure, Exploration
System: Steam (Windows) (also available for SteamOS and Linux)
Developers | Publishers: MedveDUR, StvDEV.PRO | MedveDUR
Controller Support: None
Price: US $2.00 | UK £1.67 | EU € 2,00
Release Date: December 19th, 2024

A review code was used, and many thanks to MedveDUR.

Purrgonia is a sort of cozy city builder, marketed as a cute game with “a calm and peaceful gameplay atmosphere.” It is about going out into the world to get items to build your town.

The beginnings of the town in Purrgonia. Published on: LadiesGamers
The start of my little town.

The Gameplay Loop of Purrgonia

Purrgonia is part city-builder and part adventure exploration game. In order to build up your town and make it safe for the residents, you need to gather materials, build buildings and farms, complete gathering quests for locals, and even make big decisions for the town.

The map of the outside of Purrgonia. Published on: LadiesGamers
The map only has three locations to visit.

As the lord of this cat-filled town, you are in charge of going out into the world, collecting items, and bringing them home to everyone who is counting on you. With your job title as lord, you have a big responsibility for keeping everyone fed, happy, safe, and healthy. It’s a pretty simple loop, and there isn’t much to it; after stepping out into one of three outside locations (called Easy, Medium, and Hard), you need to look for treasure chests, fight off creatures, and interact with merchants.

Purrgonia’s Pros and Cons

There are a lot of funny moments in Purrgonia. It has an item you can earn called the “Bun with the Taste of Sacred Healing,” and there are a ton of other little joking things you can get. I like all the little jokes, and I’m a huge fan of the music.

A vendor in Purrgonia. Published on: LadiesGamers
It says a Stolen Carrot “tastes better than not stolen.”

Other than that, I didn’t like much of Purrgonia. It’s marketed as a cozy, relaxing game, but you are constantly being followed around by things that want to murder you. Death doesn’t really matter, but you still get tense when the music changes to the fighting music every 15 seconds. Not to mention that actual fighting in Purrgonia isn’t fun.

So you spend a lot of time running away from things or you spend a lot of time killing critters that are just trying to defend themselves and are scared. But if you don’t stop to fight them, they will chase you across the map. And not only is the fighting kind of bad, you don’t get a single thing from killing creatures. There are no meats or fur you can strip from their bodies, they don’t drop money, and you don’t get a single thing from going through the trouble of killing these poor creatures.

Being attacked by a wolf in Purrgonia. Published on: LadiesGamers
Come on, I’m just trying to walk here.

Not to mention that Purrgonia doesn’t give you a weapon to start with; you have to go find or buy one before you can even defend yourself. I didn’t manage to find one the first few times I was out and about in Easy, but I did find a weapon or two eventually.

It’s Not Very Fun

Purrgonia is not a very fun game to play. The gameplay loop is kinda boring; there isn’t a lot you can interact with. You can fight things (but not get anything from it), open treasure chests, and interact with vendors. In town, you can pick up quests, build buildings, and interact with vendors.

A choice to make in Purrgonia, it explains the differences between farming and training and ends with the question: "Spend food on a farm or training", with the options: Train; Farm; Later. Published on: LadiesGamers
You have to pick one or the other, but I don’t know what sorts of things this might change in the future.

For a game that only costs a couple of bucks, it has a lot of cool things about it, but it feels unfinished. Purrgonia has very little to offer, and none of it is particularly interesting. I played it for about two-and-a-half hours before I couldn’t take playing anymore. So I don’t know if any of the things I was picking out for my village to do would have any differences.

The most frustrating thing was that the treasure chests I could see were out of the walkable area. This chest, which I could get very close to, was not within the borders of places I could walk to. The border is also invisible, so I walked pretty far to get this chest, and then I didn’t know I wouldn’t be able to reach it.

A treasure chest on a platform in Purrgonia. Published on: LadiesGamers
Just- out- of- reeaaaach!
A floating wolf in the distance in Purrgonia. Published on: LadiesGamers
Floating wolf.


There are a whole lot of things I do not like about Purrgonia, but I also feel like it could be made fun. If there were fewer things attacking me, I could cut down trees, if I could send villagers out to collect things if I could decorate my town how I wanted if I could interact with more things in the world, I think I would like it a lot. It feels very unfinished.

Overall, I don’t have many positive feelings about my time with Purrgoniabut I think it could be something really neat one day with some work.

Final Verdict: I’m Not Sure
I'm not sure

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One comment

  1. Thank you so much for your review! All the detailed feedback is crucial for us to improve both this and future projects!

    We absolutely get you. As gamers, we notice a few of the same flaws with the game as well. This is a small quick project, but we are supporting it and working on ridding it of some of the most annoying problems. Maybe add a few features while we are at it. If we don’t completely break everything, we might release a major patch soon! No promises, though! After all, it’s just a one-evening kind of game.

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