Happy New Year from the Team at LadiesGamers

Hard to believe that another year has gone by and we are already in 2022! From all of us here at LadiesGamers: we wish you a very happy 2022 with loads of gaming fun!

We are ready to take on a new year, bringing you loads of reviews for indie games. Games made by developers and brought to you by publishers who need every bit of exposure we can give them, for there are lots of gems to talk about! And in between the reviews, we will bring you interviews and editorials. Stories that are mostly game-related, but can be about anything that occupies our lives.

The Team at LadiesGamers

Happy New Year

We start the new year with this team:

Paula Moore: Paula has been my gaming friend for many, many years and it was a hallmark moment in August 2018 when she decided to join the site to write reviews. Pretty soon she started helping me in running the site, and for the past two years, I can safely say LadiesGamers wouldn’t be what it is now without her. We divide what has to be done, which for Paula almost is turning into a full-time job. I tell her jokingly that a corner office with a swivel chair can’t be far off in the future! She lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland and aside from her LadiesGamers job, has 7 grandchildren to keep her busy.

James Luff: it hasn’t been all that long since James joined us in March 2020, but he has quickly become a very valued member of the team. He lives in the UK with Melissa and you’ve no doubt seen many reviews by James’ hand on LadiesGamers. He always says that he is willing to pick up review codes that aren’t fancied by the other writers, though he does have his preferred genre. When Paula and I browse the upcoming games to see which games we want to be reviewed, we can always spot a potential James game: platforming in 2D or 3D, rogue-lite or arcade games will always rock his boat. Oh, and any games with Otters in it!

Elena Kua: Elena joined the site in December 2017 and has been with the team the longest. She hails from Malaysia but lives in Japan with her husband and little girl. She makes lovely editorials, articles that are made with care and provide a good read. Like her story about how she and her husband met (a DS Love Affair), which is the one that brought us to our site. Other than that, she is always passionate about the games she reviews and makes in-depth analyses of them.

CJ Lehr: CJ started as a writer for LadiesGamers in June 2018. She is from the Northeastern part of the United States. Her handheld devices are her passion, and for a long time that was the 3DS. She is very enthusiastic about Streetpassing and wishes it was a feature too on her Switch Lite. In 2021 she took it upon herself to inform you about eShop sales, and hopefully made a real difference to your wallet this way!

Mina Smith: Mina, living in Richmond Virginia in the United States, joined our team in June 2021. She is a full-time writer and editor, writing fiction for herself but also for a number of clients. Plus, she also writes for GameRant, mostly about big AAA titles. At LadiesGamers she wants to focus on the much less known Indie titles.

Jay Evans: The youngest member of our team is from the US, but is currently living in South Korea with her family. She joined us in September 2021 and, aside from her work on LadiesGamers, has her own stream on Twitch as Hermetic Imp. So most often you can also find her streaming about the games that she reviews for LadiesGamers. Aside from making reviews, she is also turning into a writer that can entertain us with her editorial articles.

Thank You for Reading!

Aside from our team of writers we also have Cécile from France. Cécile works behind the scenes on the tech stuff and has been with us since August 2020. She kindly jumped in when we had a technical meltdown here at the site, and she saved the day. And there’s myself of course too. Paula and I run the site together and we think of the future of LadiesGamers too. In 2021 we added Steam games to our reviews as most indie games start out life at Steam and we established a presence on Steam. We made indie developer interviews for our Patrons and interviews with women who work in the gaming biz. And now, with 2022 before us, we will surely think of some new special features on LadiesGamers.

All of this wouldn’t have any meaning but for you, our readers. So I want to thank you all, and wish you Very Happy Gaming in 2022!



  1. Happy New Year to you, dear Yvonne, and to the whole team! I’m glad to see LadiesGamers is going as strong as ever, and I wish all you the best for 2022. ^^

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