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Snakebird Complete Review

Game: Snakebird Complete
Genre: Puzzle
System: Switch (also available for Steam (Windows, Mac))
Developer|Publisher: Noumenon Games | Astra Logical
Age Rating: US E | EU 3+
Price: UK £12.49 | US $14.99 | EU € 14,99
Release Date: November 24th, 2023

Review code provided with many thanks to Future Friends.

Snakebird Complete is a game all about moving through a variety of puzzles as little snakes with bird faces. It’s a cartoony and weird little collection of appropriate puzzles for all ages.

The Gameplay of Snakebird Complete

Snakebird Complete is a little puzzle game that has you move through each level with these very floppy worm creatures. They grow a little when they eat fruit and can easily slither around platforms. After grabbing all the fruit in the level, our intrepid snakebird can slither to the rainbow portal to the next challenge.

Snakebird Complete A very sleepy-looking snakebird is climbing to try to reach a slice of watermelon.
So hungry…

Snakebirds can only move forward, and they do not grip to surfaces above them. This means that if you get stuck, you mostly just have to backtrack and try the area again. Snakebirds can move one space at a time, and they can lift other Snakebirds. You can only control one of these wiggly friends at a time.

To understand the funny movement of this game, you probably need to see it in motion, so here is a YouTube video of the Trailer:

The Pros of Snakebird Complete

Snakebird is filled with many unique puzzles and challenges and consistently good puzzles that are fun and challenging. It’s a cute game with adorable graphics, a quirky little soundtrack, stylish menus, and a fun vibe. There are tons of levels, too, and all of them have the same quality.

I didn’t experience any bugs with Snakebird, and it seems like a very good Switch port. I have said time and time again that I usually don’t like games that have been ported over to the Switch from other platforms for a variety of reasons, but Snakebird is simple enough and has Switch-like graphics, so it actually works amazingly both in hand-held mode and on a TV.

A map of levels shows several bonus levels and completed levels.
I like the jump from level 10 right to level 47.

It lets you choose your desired difficulty level by not forcing you to play levels in order. Each kind of level has a different theme; the special cloud levels have a sleepy-time night sky motif, while levels on the water actually take place under the water.

A snakebird is lifting a second snakebird that is asleep toward the goal.
It’s a good thing Snakebirds can breathe under the water.

The aesthetics of Snakebird are stunning, the look of it is beautiful, and the puzzles are amazing. Are there any downsides to this fun little game? The answer is “Kinda?”

The Cons of Snakebird Complete

To be honest, I don’t know what to put here. Snakebird was interesting, cute, and had a great vibe. But I just couldn’t get into it. I don’t know if it’s me or the game; I have watched several other reviews online to prepare for putting my thoughts down on paper, but I can’t pinpoint whatever it is that just isn’t grabbing me.

A snakebird slithers through spaces between platforms to get closer to the goal.
Can you eat all those fruits, Snakebird?

Like, usually in a game like this, I would be gushing over how adorably silly the facial expressions and animations are (they really are; those Snakebirds are so expressive!) and how weird their floppy little beaks are (so squishy!), but I just couldn’t get into it.

The words "Well Done!" appear on the screen in front of some very MS Paint looking fireworks.
I did it!


Based on many other reviews of Snakebird Complete, I think it might just be me. But just because Snakebird didn’t pull me in doesn’t mean that I can’t recognize how polished, aesthetic, and without bugs it was. If you like goofy puzzle games, Snakebird might just be the perfect little snake-like for you.

Final Verdict: I Like it a Lot
I like it a lot

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