Game: Cat Needs
Genre: Puzzle
System: Steam (Windows)
Developers | Publishers: LeJunesArt
Controller Support: Partial
Price: US $2.99 | UK £2.49 | € 2,99
Release Date: December 12th, 2024
A review code was used, and many thanks to LeJunesArt.
Cat Needs is a short, sweet, and unique puzzle game. In it, you need to take care of all the cats’ needs while keeping them comfortable and happy.
The Gameplay of Cat Needs
The way that Cat Needs plays is you get a selection of cats. Each one has preferences, needs, and things they will be naughty about. In order to win each level, you need to make sure that each one gets what it needs without stealing from the other cats.

You start with one cat, the black and white cat, who always wants to be fed. They will only eat one bowl of food, and they can jump over up to two cats to get to their food. Then, the game slowly adds more cats with different needs and tastes. For example, there is an older cat that can’t jump, a fat cat that will eat any food you put in front of them, and kittens that will play with anything they come across.
Each cat looks unique, making it easy to remember what each of them can and can’t do, and Cat Needs introduces them very slowly, making it easy to remember.

So you start with a line of cats, and you need to manoeuvre them in the right order and in the right direction to ensure everyone gets what they need to be happy. You need to select the cat you want to move, then press directional buttons to move them. It’s a very simple concept, but it gets really challenging pretty quickly as you get more and more cats all wanting to get around each other to get where they want to be.

The Pros of Cat Needs
Cat Needs spent a lot of time getting the movements of the cats right, making them look pretty natural. All the cats make cute little sounds, but it doesn’t get old while you’re playing. None of the noises are particularly jarring or annoying. The puzzles start really easy, but they ramp up in difficulty to some that had me stumped for a long time. I’m surprised I was able to finish all the levels, considering how much is going on in some of them.

The Cons of Cat Needs
There were a couple of small bugs in Cat Needs, but none of them really impacted my enjoyment of the game. There was one where if the white kitten went into a box, then the black kitten came at the box from the right side, the box disappeared, and the two kittens started playing with one another. There was another where I had to Alt-Tab to a different screen and then back again to be able to select any of the cats. They weren’t major glitches, but they were a little annoying as I was trying to get through all the levels.

I also wish there were more levels in Cat Needs. I could have happily played this game for several more hours, and I feel like there is so much more you can do with the concepts and the different cats to make a whole bunch more of these puzzles.

If your only complaint about a game is that there aren’t enough levels, that’s usually a good sign. I would love to see more levels added to Cat Needs in the coming months. I had a whole lot of fun with it, and it was a pleasure to play.
I would recommend this game wholeheartedly to anyone who loves puzzle games and cats. It’s a cheap little game with a lot of heart, very well-made and polished, and super fun to play.
Final Verdict: Two Thumbs Up
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