From all of us here at LadiesGamers: we wish you a very happy 2024 with loads of gaming fun! We also want to take this moment to thank you for being our reader and maybe even our Patron. It means a lot to us!
This doesn’t mean we are impervious to all that is going on in the world around, but we are determined to create our little happy world here in the confines of the site.
We are ready to take on a new year, bringing you loads of reviews for indie games. Games made by developers and brought to you by publishers who need every bit of exposure we can give them, for there are lots of gems to talk about! And in between the reviews, we will bring you interviews, maybe a survey, quizzes and editorials. Plus, stories that are mostly game-related can be about anything that occupies our lives.
We hope to see you again in 2024!