News LadiesGamers week 10

Come on in my friend, and get yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea! Time to look back and wrap up of everything that happened on the site this past week, running from March 4th until March 10th of 2019.

The weekly news highlights what happened on this past week. If you are pressed for time during the week (aren’t we all, these days? 🙄you will find everything you need to know in this weekly wrap up!

This past week’s reviews:

Three reviews were published this week:

  • Yomawari (Switch) Review:
    Two games in one, that is what the Switch version of Yomawari offers. Do you like atmosferic horror games? Evriun dives right in!Yomawari: Midnight Shadows Screenshot
  • Review Treasure Stack (Switch)
    Treasure Stack is a puzzle/platform game that takes a few genres and mixes them together. ChamZen gives the game a spin to see if it delivers.
  • Starman Review for Nintendo Switch
    A puzzle game with limited color and calming music in the background. Jenna takes a look at Starman and helps the little astronaut collect the light.
  • Impressions Daemon X Machina Prototype Missions
    The free demo of Daemon x Machina in the Switch eShop was downloadable till March 11th. Check out Paige’s thoughts when she gave it a try.

Featured Series/ Editorials

YvoCaro Plays

In the series YvoCaro Plays (find my unedited gaming thoughts here) This week I tell you about the worries of a curling-mom and we have a chuckle of the next CEO for Nintendo of America: Doug Bowser. Check it out: YvoCaro Plays: letting go and Bowser??

image from NRC magazine

From Steam to Switch?

In this series of articles I take a look at casual simulation games that are on Steam, but haven’t made the jump to the Switch (yet). This week I take a look at Garden Paws, a game that is actually already confirmed for Switch at the end of 2019. Watch out for cuteness overload! From Steam to Switch: Garden Paws

Guide Farm Together for Switch

Many fans of sim farming games are enjoying Farm Together on the Nintendo Switch. I felt it time to make a guide with tips and tricks! If you want to play the game or have questions about your own farm, check it out here: Guide Farm Together for Switch

In other news:

I’m going to let you go with some last snippets of news. Have a very happy gaming week!

New Nintendo Labo VR Kit

In a surprise tweet Nintendo brought the new that another Labo Kit is going to be released in April. Ninteno Labo VR Kit. Here’s what we know.
New Nintendo Labo VR Kit

Patch for Wargroove

Chucklifish’s much anticipated game Wargroove has had a major patch. The devs have listened to the fans, and made the game much better. Patch for Wargroove

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