Time to sit down for another YvoCaro Plays. As always, these blurbs are mostly about the video games I’m currently playing. Unedited thoughts that spring up in my mind, mostly game related. And sometimes a random train of thoughts starting with the game and ending somewhere completely different!
If you like these bits of gaming thoughts you can find the previous ones here
Feeling Brave
Know the feeling? After Fire Emblem: Three Houses couldn’t keep my attention I was in a pickle. What game would I play while waiting for Ni no Kuni? Somehow getting back into Dragon Quest Builders 2 wasn’t working. I’m at the Golden Temple at Khrumbul Dun island, and I feel I have enough of constantly toiling underground. For now, at least.
I’m pretty sure I will eventually get back to DQB2 though, much like I did with the first DQB. I opened up My Time at Portia, but that wasn’t doing it either. I was at a loss what to play.
It only took my daughter firing up her Switch to play Breath of the Wild to make my mind up: I returned to my adventuring with Link. And not just that, I felt brave: I was going into central Hyrule and Gannon’s Castle! (I’ve done all the Divine Beasts already). Let’s make some headway in one of my absolute favorite games!
Being put at ease…
I braved several guardians, got myself shot at by the guardians that flew overhead. But I survived thanks to several fairies and Mipha’s Grace. And boy, did it feel good to vent my frustration by hacking away at the Guardians legs with my Master Sword!
Finally I found myself in the dungeon, being trapped by a gate. Every time now, something awful was going to happen, I just knew it…..but nothing did. Now what? I consulted ChamZen who’s finished the game several times and helped me a lot in past play sessions. She would set my mind at ease about what I could expect, hoping to find some courage in her expert advice. Unintentionally that didn’t happen….
She wrote: “nothing to be scared off, well as long as you stay away from the gate house, there is two gate houses on the castle map around the front. If you walk in to either of the gate house the gates close and a lynel drops from the ceiling…..that’s not fun”
Ya’ Think?? 😱
I finally found a way out of the the gate room by using Freeze on a puddle under the gate, and when I told her I was clear and hadn’t encountered anyone yet, she wrote back:
“Sounds like you where pretty close to the Hylian shield which is guarded by a Stalnox”
The Hylian Shield! I do want that! But a Stalnox…..
Run Link, run! 😫
Ni no Kuni saved me
That was Wednesday night, and then and there I decided to save the game and power off. I have a confession: I have yet to slay a Stalnox or even a Lynel outside of the castle in BOTW. I tried to fight the Lynel at the meadow above Zora’s Domain and failed miserably. Maybe because I have never gotten the hang of the flurry attack!
Ni no Kuni, the game I was waiting for, dropped in my mailbox and I decided Gannon would have to wait a little longer for me. By the time I’m feeling the BOTW itch again, I’ll be back….