Jonah’s Nintendo Direct Reaction and News

Well this years Nintendo Direct was a major disappointment.  I’m disappointed, not because of the games shown as such, but because of the way it was presented.  I didn’t time it, but just how long was the Super Smash Bros coverage.  It seemed to go on and on and on!

Prior to the Smash Bros coverage, we were shown footage from a few upcoming games such as Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Overcooked 2.  But then the Smash fest began and that was that!

Now I’m not a Smash hater!  I’m impressed that Super Smash Bros: Ultimate contains every single fighter from Smash History along with a new fighters such as Ridley and the Inklings, but does that mean that coverage for other games must suffer because of one major upcoming title?  The fact is Smash isn’t for everyone, but it seems that Nintendo decided the Smash fanbase was big enough to justify what many are calling ‘The Smash Direct’.

Okay, rant over!

So what other news did Nintendo share via the direct?

* Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will launch on December 7th

* Fortnite will become available for free via the eShop tonight.

* Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna is a new story mode which expansion pass owners can download from September 14th.

* Super Mario Party is heading for Switch on October 5th

* Fire Emblem: Three Houses looks interesting but we’re going to have to wait until Spring 2019 for its release.

* Daemon X Machina is due for release in 2019.

* Overcooked 2 looks fun and it will be made available via the eShop on August 7th

* Killer Queen Black is coming later this year.

* Hollow Knight looks fantastic and that is available to purchase from the eShop right now.

* A new Octopath Traveller demo will be made available on eShop this Thursday, and the full game is due for release on July 13th.

Other games coming this year are:

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate from Capcom,

EA Sports FIFA 19 from Electronic Arts

Starlink: Battle for Atlas from Ubisoft

So which of the above games interest you?  And I’m I right or wrong about todays Direct?  I look forward to your comments below.



  1. Very dissapointed! Not one game i like maybe the xenoblade chronicles. But not very exciting about that. No animal crossing No snack world not any of those titels.

  2. I feel it was not an instance of the showing of other games being overshadowed by another. It was just that Nintendo had very little to show so they had to focus on Super Smash Bros. for most of the presentation.

    You are right. It was disappointing.

  3. Major disappointment? I disagree completely. And I am not a Smash fan at all! There are still 2 1/2 days of coverage left for Nintendo, we haven’t seen anything regarding the 3DS yet. The stuff they have shown looks great to me.

  4. I’m not disappointed. It was a solid piece. I was very happy for the Fire Emblem footage. Nintendo usually announces more in their independent directs anyway. I think the Smash Bros looks impressive even though I’m not really into that game. I like it at friend’s parties, but not on my own. Although I’m sure it will be a big seller for them so it has the spotlight this time.

  5. I agree there was too much Smash Bros, it was on for around half of the Direct, maybe more.. Surprised there wasn’t more on the new Pokemon games as they are to be released sooner.

    I would have liked to have saw some footage of the 3 upcoming rpg’s, Lost Child, Ys 7 and Shining Resonance Refrain, and I’m truly gutted for those of you hoping for a new Animal Crossing game.

    I was hoping for either Game Cube, N64 or Dreamcast Virtual Console news, but after the first half it was nothing but Smash!

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