Fracter Review (Nintendo Switch)

Game: Fracter
Puzzle, Adventure, Action, Strategy
Nintendo Switch, Steam, Google Play, iOS
Developer | Publisher:
4L Games | The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild
Age Rating: 
US E10+ 
US $6.99 
Release Date: 
October 22nd, 2020

Review code used with many thanks to The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild!

Welcome to the dark labyrinth that is Fracter, brought to you by the same people that gave us Deleveled, (review here)

Immerse yourself in the darkness and the many puzzles that are to be found, waiting just for you. The incredible usage of light in the darkness has, obviously, been done before, however, in Fracter, it really sets itself apart. The completely black backgrounds, with the light grey floors and blocks, with only the light from your glowbulb, you and some floor parts.

Beautiful Usage of Light

Step into the mysterious labyrinth of glowing black architecture and follow the veiled young hero who has set out on a perilous quest to dispel the darkness within. You have to explore this world of shadows and discover its secrets that are hidden in the dark.  While solving each wonderfully designed puzzle you can use the one effective force against darkness: the light.

Fracter LadiesGamers
Oh wow…

But beware, you are not alone here in the dark, you will come across shadow creatures. They will skulk in the shadows, guarding secret areas or the way to progress the game. Try to sneak past them or charge past if you think you can. Thankfully, getting caught by one doesn’t incur any penalties, so don’t panic too much if you do. For me, the lighting and the music set it up to almost be an edge-of-your-seat experience playing Fracter.

Dynamic Poetry of Fracter

Fratcer Puzzle

At points in Fracter, you will get to see poetry used to create a more dynamic, involved storyline. You need it to reclaim the parts of yourself that will help you move forward. Now poetry isn’t usually my thing, yet some of them really tugged on my heartstrings.

For every light the soul ignites
A twin of Shadows sprouts
The Light you wield can shine a shield
Or cast the Shadow out

So I would advise you to read them thoroughly, let them sink in! It will really make for a rounder experience.

Challenging Yet Satisfying

Fracter LadiesGamers

The difficulty, as with most puzzle games, continues to rise as you progress. Work with the light, for instance by aiming them directly at the shadow enemies killing them instantly. Work with mirrors, rotate towers and such to direct the light to activate switches, stand on a pad to activate it to move. You get the idea of what kind of puzzles you can expect. As a result, it’s a nice progression, smooth and yet fulfilling. Each room seems to have switches you need to activate before you can go through the doors. As you’d expect, the tricky bit can be getting to the switches!


Once again, The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild have put their all in, and it’s been well worth it to play at least! It’s for gamers who aren’t afraid of the dark and like a good puzzle of all skill levels, so if you’re intrigued, give it a go!

Check out Fracter’s store page here.

Final Verdict: I Like It A Lot

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