Title image for Legends of Heropolis DX on a city background with power-suited heroes fighting baddies. There is a large, red, pixelated superhero superimposed on the cityscape.

Legends of Heropolis DX Review

Game: Legends of Heropolis DX
Genre: Simulation, Adventure, Role-playing, Strategy
System: Nintendo Switch (Also on iOS and Android, coming soon to Steam (Windows))
Developer | Publisher: Kairosoft
Age Rating: US 10+ | EU 7+
Price: US $12.00 | UK £10.79 | EU € 12,00
Release Date: October 31st, 2024

A review code was used, and many thanks to Kairosoft.

Without the microtransactions, Legends of Heropolis DX is based on the original app version. Sharing a similar style to all the Kairosoft management simulation games, in Legends of Heropolis DX, you lead a group of superheroes, trying to save the city from Evilcorp and certain doom.

We’ve reviewed several Kairosoft games on LadiesGamers, so how will this compare? Will I unleash my inner Wonder Woman? Or will it be a super-flop?

Creating Your Legends of Heropolis DX Hero

The customisation menu in Legends of Heropolis DX. Published on: LadiesGamers
Who are you?

As well as the name and gender of your starting superhero, you get to select clothes and a hairstyle. There aren’t many options (although more are available later), but it’s nice to be able to personalise your character slightly. In addition, you select the hero colour; this will control the type of superhero costume and, consequently, the action move your character will have when in superhero mode. That’s not all; you can also select a personality, which gives a bonus in battle and a hobby, which helps develop the city via your allies.

The build menu in Legends of Heropolis DX, with the buildings tab selected, showing a picture of a tent, green grocers and bath house. Published on: LadiesGamers
New home?!

Your chief sidekick in Legends of Heropolis DX is Peach Justice, and she explains that every superhero needs somewhere to live. Guided to the build menu, you are encouraged to select and place the cosy tent option.

A ruined building which used to be the secret base. Published on: LadiesGamers

You then discover that the town’s old champion was captured when the secret base (hub of research and development) was destroyed, and it’s up to you to rescue him.

So, your mission to save the city in Legends of Heropolis DX begins.

Battling in Legends of Heropolis DX Hero

The battle menu, with the option to select which stage of the chapter you want. The list of baddies which can be encountered in the battle are displayed. Published on: LadiesGamers
Select a battle!

You are guided through the menus of Legends of Heropolis DX to the battle option, where you select the chapter and stage to fight through. Initially, there is only one chapter: “Go!” and the name of your team. When you complete the 5 stages, another chapter opens, and so on.

The city with a circle highlighting where the enemy has appeared. Published on: LadiesGamers
Where’s the baddie?

Some of the stages will result in enemies attacking the city. You need to find and engage with the baddie before they destroy the installation. If the building is destroyed, then it will automatically be rebuilt after the battle is over, although you will lose any process that was happening there. You need to defeat a certain number of enemies before the boss will appear.

Enemy base, with baddies lurking behind walls and pillars. Published on: LadiesGamers
Who’s hiding behind that wall?

In other stages, you will infiltrate the enemy base. Here, you defeat enemies to uncover more of the base, and eventually, you will find the boss.

The battle screen with enemies and allies on the field of play. The stats of the allies are on the right hand side with battle commands at the bottom. Published on: LadiesGamers

Once a baddie has been selected, the battle arena is the same. The allies fight on the right, and the enemy on the left. From the gamers’ point of view, there isn’t a huge amount of interaction. You can select when to give help to your team or initiate the unity attack. However, the actual battle is automated.

As your heroes’ gauges fill up, then they will morph into their superhero form. If their gauge fills again, they will do their special attack.

Large enemy on the left, and a large megabot and heroes on the right. The background is red, with fires surrounding a city landscape. Published on: LadiesGamers
Mega Boss!

After the initial chapters have been completed, then the enemy might transform into a mega version just prior to the defeat. The battling is similar, except you have a mega bot to fight with you as well.

With more than a dozen chapters, there is plenty of battling to fill your time (15+ hours), and that’s not including the ‘hard’ version of each stage or the numerous training battles.

Finding More Heroes in Legends of Heropolis DX

Background of the city, with a dialog box saying “Casey has come to hang out”. Published on: LadiesGamers
Who has come to visit?

You can have three teams of five battling in Legends of Heropolis DX, one fighting and the other two resting. Team members are found by either encouraging allies to visit your town to purchase items or by creating a hero via a character ticket, which can be brought from Wairobot.

The resident information tab for Pat Smith. It details his hobby (sports) and personality, as well as the level of HP (172) and power (237). It also shows what items he has equipped. Published on: LadiesGamers

Allies come with their own equipment and stats, which can’t be altered. However, creating your own character means you can equip them with available suits and accessories. Suits can be won by befriending (i.e. battling enough of) an enemy type or via a lucky spin in a lottery. Accessories can be researched at your secret base, or acquired by buying shares in the appropriate company.

Level up screen for green runner suit. Updated stats include HP increase by 32, to 202, and defence increase by 22, to 137. Published on: LadiesGamers
Go Green Runner!

Suits can be levelled up using various resources, either those found in your town (like vegetables or fish) or via enemy suits. You can also give new attributes to the suit via Mod Points, which are awarded for completing battles and freeing heroes from Evilcorp’s influence.

You are actively encouraged to redo previous battles, in order to gain items to use in levelling up. Thus starts the gameplay loop of battling, upgrading, resource gathering, and re-battling. All whilst watching familiar characters appear on your screen.


The game works really well in either docked or handheld mode, and it makes excellent use of the touchscreen functionality. The font is large enough to read easily on the small screen. Legends of Heropolis DX is well-structured and guides you through most of the processes.

Moving around the menu can be a little annoying, as ‘back’, in most cases, takes you to the game rather than the previous menu level. However, you can zoom in and out of your city with ease.
The toe-tapping, upbeat action music is one of the best in a Kairosoft game, although there are odd special effects, which sound like a doorbell.

There is no in-game time, so the game autosaves at the key points, with a manual save available as well. However, you can only have two instances of game per user. Activities such as growing crops, mining or building takes real time (around 5 minutes) to complete and can be completed outside playing the game.


With the reassuring familiarity of bright colours and pixelated characters, Legends of Heropolis DX is fun to play. Like so many of the Kairosoft games, you need to find the gameplay loop of developing the city, levelling up your superheroes and battling in order to achieve victory.

I thoroughly enjoyed fighting alongside the other heroes in Legends of Heropolis DX and finding my inner superhero.

Final Verdict: I Like it a Lot I like it a lot

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