Paige’s E3 Expectations

The E3 2019, or Electronic Entertainment Expo is getting close. It will start on Tuesday June 11 and end on Thursday June 13. Those are the dates of the Expo, but the fun starts earlier: Beginning on Sunday, June 9, some of the biggest video game publishers will hold press conferences to announce news and show videos.

For us over here at is a special time of year, as it probably is for gaming enthusiasts all over the world. What announcements will we see. Will they feature special games we have been waiting for? Or some special gem we weren’t even expecting?

Time for our thoughts and expectations about the event. Paige talks us through her hopes and wishes.

Titles that hopefully make an appearance

I certainly hope that Nintendo’s E3 showing this year isn’t disappointing, since I have to stay up until 2am just for it to start. Personally I really enjoyed last year’s show, a lot of new games were announced, they had a little reel thing to go past some closer release games, and a focus on Super Smash Bros Ultimate. That said I certainly hope they don’t spend another twenty minutes just on one game.

Shin Megami Tensei V

There are a few games that were announced at one E3 or another I hope to hear. Unfortunately Metroid Prime 4 was recently restarted from scratch, and Bayonetta 3 is supposedly having development troubles. I still think Bayonetta might show, at least a new trailer and I would really like a release window. Another game that was announced in late 2017 is Shin Megami Tensei V, but “full scale development” was only talked about from February 2018, still with nothing to show for it. I do hope that gets another trailer at least as I’m interested in getting into the main series.

Astral Chain already had a release date from it’s announcement so I hope for just another trailer/gameplay footage and maybe a Treehouse live. DaemonXMachina was announced at last year’s E3 and had a demo earlier this year so I really hope it comes out by the end of the year. I’m looking forward to seeing that they’ve changed based on feedback.

daemon x machina

Interaction of Animal Crossing Switch with Pocket Camp

Of course they HAVE to have some Animal Crossing footage, probably even a Treehouse live presentation. I’m not too sure what they can add to it from New Leaf especially after the Welcome Amiibo update. All I know is that I really don’t want to be the mayor.

I’m especially concerned about how it interacts with Pocket Camp, which has its own limited time event items and LOOTBOX (sorry I mean Fortune Cookies) items. As such I don’t really want those items to be transferable. If so, at the least they could have told us about that when Pocket Camp came out so I could waste all my time on gardening events.

Lots to wish for

Dragon Quest XI S is set to come out to the West, I’m assuming a September release. Maybe some Luigi’s Mansion 3 footage, and a release date for Rune Factory 4 Special.  I do like some indie games, but I’m not sure what could be as interesting compared to Overcooked 2. Maybe a Shantae game as a 3D platformer? I would also like some surprise debut announcements such as with DaemonXMachina last year. I can’t expect any Pokemon Spinoffs since there was already a conference earlier this month. Oh, the Link’s Awakening remake should get a release date too.

One thing that tends to annoy me at E3 presentations is when they spend a decent amount of time, on a game that’s only a month away from launch. As such I hope they don’t spend more than half a minute on Mario Maker 2, and Fire Emblem Three Houses.

Really, I just hope not too many games are crammed into the same month so I don’t have to choose between them!

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