LadiesGamers News week 25

Come on in my friend, and get yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea! Time to look back and wrap up of everything that happened on the site this past week, running from June 17th until June 23rd 2019.

The weekly news highlights what happened on this past week. If you are pressed for time during the week (aren’t we all, these days? 🙄you will find everything you need to know in this weekly wrap up!

This reminds me: have you seen the banner on top of our site? We are always looking for people who like to be on the lookout for news about gaming and would like to write about it!

This past week’s reviews:

Moonlighter (Switch) Review

Moonlighter is combines fighting in dungeons, and selling the loot your enemies drop. Pikodoodle played the game and found being a shopkeeper great fun!

Review Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons (Switch)

Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons isn’t a long game but he puzzles are good, the visuals beautiful and the game controls are fun and work flawless.

Brothers A Tale of Two Sons

Featured Series/ Editorials

Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Everything we know so far

A week ago we saw the first footage of Animal Crossing New Horizons. Ben rounds up all we know in one nice article. Check it out! Animal Crossing: New Horizons – What We Know So Far

WorldEnd Syndrome Guide

Visual novel WorldEnd Syndrome on Nintendo Switch: Paige has managed to finish all missions and collect all items. Here’s her guide! WorldEnd Syndrome Guide – Missions and Items

Jonah’s Blog

Jonah takes us along on his take on the gaming news this week in a new series: Jonah’s Random Rumblings from within the Whale. Jonah talks about the lack of Cloud saves in Animal Crossing New Horizons, about the rumours surrounding the new Switch Mini and the origins of the Breath of the Wild sequel.

YvoCaro Plays

In the series YvoCaro Plays (find my unedited gaming thoughts here) I tend to ramble on about my gaming adventures. This week I’ll look at the release of Wizards Unite, the sequel to Pokémon Go. And I talk about the two beautiful story games I played. Find the latest article here. YvoCaro Plays: Wizards Unite first day and beautiful stories

In other news:

This week was important when it comes to mobile games. Wizards Unite is released, and Dr Mario World gets a release date in July. Here are the news articles we published. I wish you a very happy gaming week and thanks for reading!

Wizards Unite by Niantic, for Pokémon Go fans!

The successor to Pokémon Go is here: Wizards Unite uses the same technique to let you search for artifacts and magical beings!


Dr Mario World Coming to Mobile on July 10th

Nintendo is bringing us a new mobile title based on a fan favorit: Dr Mario World is expected on July 10. Go get those viruses!

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