Game: One Night Stand
Genre: Visual Novel
System: Nintendo Switch (also PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Developer|Publisher: Kinmoku | Ratalaika
Age Rating: M (US + AU) | 16+ (EU)
Price: $4.99 US| $7.99 (AU)| £4.99|€ 4,99 (on offer -20% till Oct 20)
Release Date: 4th October 2019
Review code used, thanks to Ratalaika
The Morning After
One Night Stand, is a visual novel in which you have woken up from a One Night Stand. You have opportunities to look at various objects around the room to glean more information or get your clothes back. My first reaction was: why don’t you just get up and leave? But then, there are quite a few endings where you can do exactly that.
Looking at certain objects while your character keeps leaving the room will give you more topics for conversation. Some of which might just get you kicked out. It only takes maybe twenty minutes to go through a play through. Less if you skedaddle.
There are only a couple rooms, but most of the action is in hers. The art style is quite simple, the woman is done with animated loops. I’m not a fan of the simplistic style, but it’s definitely not bad looking. There’s a little bit of soft music but that’s it. Of course there is no voice acting. Instead you have slightly annoying sounds every time text appears. You can use gyroscope, touch or stick controls to make your selections.
There is a skip previously read text option, but because of the animation loops it hardly worked properly, getting stuck every few paragraphs.
I get the impression this was trying to be some kind of exploration of people’s reactions to hooking up with some one. The game just never goes anywhere with it. I don’t think it’s for most people, as there’s not really any romance in it, just a couple of nice and a few silly endings.
There’s about twelve endings, the PC version has some more achievements you can get. While the Switch version gives you a shorter experience as you won’t think you have any more to do. So this Switch port only took me just over an hour. It’s also more expensive than the PC version. So if you are interested in this I’d go for that one.
It’s okay but the game just isn’t for me. However I do know at least one person who’d be interested in this type of game experience.