Dogs in videogames

If you have a dog or a cat, you will no doubt recognise the picture Lordi posted on Twitter how. Her cat clearly didn’t exactly agree with her playing on her Switch. It made me smile early in the morning this week, as it’s exactly how my little Sammy acts when I’m gaming.

Vying for attention

To get to her goal, having the sole attention of little ol’ me, she has various tactics: Either she crawls on my shoulder and slowly lets herself slide down. Effectively forcing me to put the Switch down to catch her and give her the cuddles she is due. Or she sits on my lap with her chewing stick which then keeps falling to the ground. Then she paws at my hand as if reminding me that I really need to pick it up. And even better, I should hold it for her so she can gnaw without any problem.

I guess she doesn’t realize even little dogs can make a mark on a videogame. I have named countless dogs in my games after her predecessor, Scotty! They were mostly farming games (Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons and Rune Factory). But it made me think of all the games I’ve played that have dogs or cats in them.

My favourite dogs in video games

KK Slider – Animal Crossing:

Well, not really a dog you can name, or who runs around on a leash. KK Slider is his own man, an icon really who entertains the villagers in Animal Crossing. With his guitar by his side he had to be on this list of course.

Beagle  – Nintendog:

This beagle just had to be on this list as she comes closest to being a real dog. One Sammy could actually be jealous off!

Dog – Harvest Moon/ Story of Seasons games:

These are the dogs that actually shared Scotty’s name and in future will bear Sammy’s name. Various games had various names, but one thing is consistent. Just as soon as I could afford a dog in my game, I made sure I had a four legged friend!

WolfLink – Breath of the Wild:

I think he would be very offended to be included in this list of dogs in games. But even though he is a wolf, how can I not mention him? Such a magnificent animal, and such a big help in battles too!

Wolf – Okamiden:

A child of the sun goddess Okami and a great friend to the children that accompanied him on his adventure.

Dog Sammy – Dragon Quest Builders 2

Finally! In DQB 2, in Furrowfield Farm you get the help of a little dog that is great at finding treasure. As I could name her myself, of course I used Sammy’s name! The first to bear her name!


Of course, there are many more games with four footed friends in them. Some are invaluable helpers, others are there for decoration only. What dogs in video games stand out in your mind? Have I missed any?


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