Hello there, my dear Patron! Nice to see you here in our latest Newsletter looking back at all that happened on the site since then, starting June 14th until June 20th of 2021.
So if you haven’t had time to read in the past weeks, here’s all that was published, all wrapped in a nice package. So get yourself a cup of coffee (or tea of course), kick back and enjoy!
The Wild at Heart Review – Two Thumbs Up
Adventure Strategy (US £24.99 | UK £19.49 | EU € 24,99)
Paula: The Wild at Heart is a very enjoyable game. The story of Wake and Kirby is interesting and helps to give them a reason to be where they are in the Deep Woods. With well-crafted puzzles, beautiful artwork, and music that is relaxing and you can really tell a lot of imagination and love went into the making of the game as well as the music.
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure Review – Two Thumbs Up
Adventure (US $19.99 | UK £16.74 | EU € 19,99)
Paula: Alba: A Wildlife Adventure is a heartwarming tale of being kind and looking out for others and the world around you. A game that isn’t afraid to challenge our perceptions, with its message of conservation and how we can impact the world for the better.
All of that is wrapped up in a sweet and cute style with a strong and enjoyable memorable story and relaxing music that you will lose yourself in. It makes it a perfect family-oriented game that everyone from the youngest to the oldest will enjoy and discover that small actions can make a huge difference in the world around us!
Overboard! Review– We Like It a Lot
Visual Novel (US $14.99 | UK £11.39 | EU $ 12,69)
Elena: A short, snappy visual novel in which you commit major mischief, Overboard! makes being the bad girl fun. It taps into the human instinct for self-preservation and perhaps a latent desire to see what badness we can get away with. Good writing, fun gameplay, and a light thinking challenge. The game’s replayability makes it worth the price of admission.
Tiny Lands Review – We Like It a Lot
Puzzle Education (US $5.99 | UK £5.39 | EU € 5,99)
Paula: Tiny Lands is a fun and enjoyable puzzle game, nice to sit down with for a coffee break and a few minutes of play. This would be a great game for parents to play with their children. I can picture them sitting around the TV, playing the game and the children shouting out the differences they had found in the puzzles. It would be a good help to fine-tune a child’s observation skills too. Adults will enjoy the game too, which leaves me only one thing to say.
Arcane Arts Academy Review – We Like It a Lot
Time Management Simulation (US $7.99 | UK £5.24 | EU € 7,99)
Yvonne: Arcane Arts Academy is a good fit on the Nintendo Switch with the multiplayer added if you can manage the button control. Personally, I much preferred to use the touchscreen though. The price for the Nintendo Switch version is lower than the full price on mobile which is a plus!
I wouldn’t advise playing Arcane Arts Academy as a relaxation game, as you need your full attention and clear mind to manage the often frantic levels. What is nice though is that you can adjust the difficulty in the settings allowing you to gain the stars you need to pass the level more easily.
The story is good, and the challenge is great, as it always in these perfect mix of simulation/management games. If you like these type of games I’d say you can’t go wrong with Arcane Arts Academy at this price point.
Weaving Tides Review – We Like It a Lot
Action Adventure (US $24.99 | UK £19.49| EU € 20,99)
Paula: Weaving Tides is a charming single-player adventure set in a world of magic, textile and dragons. The weaving and embroidery angle is fantastic, it feels like a fresh and smart way to create an adventure game. Repairing the world by stitching down enemies or floating woolly sheep and dashing through piles of cushions is very satisfying! And best of all, you can pet the dragons!
Game Builder Garage Review – We Like It a Lot
Education (US $29.99 | UK £26.99 | EU € 29,99)
James: Game Builder Garage is a unique title for anyone that wants to create a game with no prior programming knowledge. Whether you’re old or young this game provides lots of tools to let your creative juices flow. A wonderful experience to share with a family or loved one.
Whether you’re a brand new budding game developer or you just want to have fun creating games, Game Builder Garage is a great way to express yourself.
Geometry Bricks Review – We Like It
Puzzle (US $2.95 | UK £2.09 | EU € 2,39)
Paula: Geometry Bricks is a good entertaining puzzle game, with some devilish hard puzzles to complete in the later levels. The challenge in the game is set just right, even with the harder puzzles you will eventually succeed in completing them.
Blink Rogues Review – We’re Not Sure
Action Arcade (US $9.99 | UK £8.99 | EU € 9,99)
James: Blink Rogues has some good ideas for a space shooter but it’s generally let down by its slow and unrewarding gameplay. It’s possible some patching could improve the ship controls and just make the weapons pack a proper punch but in its current form, it’s just not a very good experience. It might be worth picking up to play the multiplayer mode with a friend but otherwise, this is not a ship you need to fly any time soon.
Editorials and News
Tears of Themis First Impressions
CJ recently had a chance to participate in a beta test for MiHoyo’s new title Tears of Themis. Let’s see how it went!
Ladies in Gaming Biz: Anna at Free League Publishing
LadiesGamers is keen to put ladies in the gaming biz in the spotlight. Time for a new series: Meet Anna at Free League Publishing
Nintendo eShop sale. June 2021.
June is proving to be a month packed with sales, sales, and more sales! We’ve rounded up another selection of games for your consideration.
Unsung Heroes of Video Games: Composer Max LL
At LadiesGamers, we thought it was time to introduce some of the composers of our favourite game soundtracks and invite them to a Q&A. This time we interview Max LL, composer for Spiritfarer.
YvoCaro Plays: E3 and Wholesome Games
The Electronics Entertainment Expo…a magical yearly event for all gamers. But just how much coverage did our preferred Wholesome Games get?