Come on in my friend, and get yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea. Time to look back and wrap up of everything that happened on the site this past week, running from September 9th until September 15th 2019.
The weekly news highlights what happened on this past week. If you are pressed for time during the week (aren’t we all, these days? ) you will find everything you need to know in this weekly wrap up.
This past week’s reviews
Review ‘Legend of the Skyfish’ (Switch)
3 stages, 45 levels, one adorable whale, and a little lady kicking butt. This little adventure puzzle game will visually satisfy you. Check out our review!
Review Quench (Nintendo Switch)
A Quench has the right idea: guide herds of elephants on their pilgrimage, using natures powers to help them on their way. ChamZen takes a look.
Review SteamWorld Dig: A Fistful of Dirt (Switch)
The first SteamWorld Dig is a great entry-level platformer for casual gamers, with a fun dose of exploration and mining. Pikodoodle is exited for the sequel!
Review Root Letter: Last Answer (Switch)
Root Letter: Last Answer has quite a few things that make it stand out from the average visual novel. Another touching message directly into my heart!
Review ‘Headliner: NoviNews’ (Switch)
Headliner: NoviNews is a lesson for humanity wrapped up in a piece of interactive art. Every playthrough gives a new ending and generates more!
Review Super Kirby Clash (Switch)
Super Kirby Clash is an excellent title for a free to start game. It’s cute, unobtrusively innocent and isn’t forceful in pushing it’s optional purchase.
Review Spice and Wolf VR (Switch)
A VR title on the Switch. Paige got our her VR kit and played Spice and Wolf. It’s based on the novel series and your chance to get up close with Holo.
Featured series/ editorials
Welcoming SuperWhoLocked to our team!
For some time, SuperWhoLocked kept her brothers games ransom, so her mother figured out she might as well have her own games. A true gamer was born!
Mistover – Demo Impressions – Nintendo Switch
Mistover is an upcoming RPG by Krafton, to be released on the Nintendo Switch on October 10. Paige takes a look at the demo of the game in the eShop.
YvoCaro Plays: Fire Emblem – Three Houses
I have been playing Fire Emblem Three Houses and it’s time to give you my thoughts. The game has a big socializing part, but is that part too big?
Mini Guide Dragon Quest Builders 2: Green Gardens Tablet Targets
Dragon Quest Builders 2 is such a huge game, it needs a good guide. In our series of mini guides, here’s a list of the Green Gardens Tablet Targets!
In Other News:
Let’s look at the other news this week. Each of the mentioned titles link to an article, have fun catching up!
Nintendo Switch Firmware 9.0.0 Now Available
Mable and the Wood Has a Release Date
Nintendo Wins Court Ruling Which Forces UK ISPS to Block Piracy Websites
Stranded Sails is Coming to Nintendo Switch
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
Burger Time Party is coming to Nintendo Switch
New Trailer for Harvest Moon Mad Dash
Atelier Dusk trilogy coming to the Switch
Want to convert your Switch online account to a family account?